[img]http://i.imgur.com/J8VStXo.png[/img] The silly banter, the food, and everything was just perfect. Lucien was glad to be out of the hospital and like the others most of his wounds were completely gone. The only thing that remained was a pink scar on his stomach, the stitches were gone though and it felt good. He watched as their Leader gobbled down her food then turned to see Moira with her wine and Syed with his plate still filled with food. It had only been a month and a few weeks since Weir and it had only been a month since Vandrell, but to be honest, it felt like he had known them longer. The shenanigans, the crazy ideas and the weird insults, he'd gotten used to them over the month and now that they were out and about he looked forward to future adventures with the pride. Dylan suggested they have a picnic and Nikki leaned onto his shoulder. "A picnic, huh?" A bright grin lit up his face. "Sounds good to me and sure, sure, anything for you." He gave Nikki a wink. The casual flirting was something he had gotten used to as well and he found himself enjoying the way everyone just seemed to click. He was happier with the pride than he had ever been at home. It was ridiculous, but lounging around with them, it just felt natural. Then Dylan asked about Don's and Trent's whereabouts and Lucien had to stop himself from pulling a frown. Ever since they had gotten back Don had been different, not the same person he had been at the train or when they had picked out clothes. The summoner had aimed his best puns at the dancer, but it hadn't worked. "Well, I'm sure they'll be okay." He threw in a dismissive wave and smiled before turning to look at Dylan. The matter artist left to get ready and Lucien took a bite out of his donut. He was good to go, so he'd eat as much as he could and wait for the others. If Tiberius was paying then he wanted to savor the moment and eat as much as possible. Between mouthfuls he paused to look at the others. "Oh, hey, hey," Lucien suppressed a chuckle. "Do any of you know why the chicken was invited into a band?" No doubt it would be another one of his lame jokes.