The young woman would stand their calmly though her lavender vision would show signs of intense befuddlement. Placing a hand over the mouse, she'd tear its head off and swallow, not bothering to wipe the blood away. Hearing his cries, she'd throw the rest of the mouse in a corner and point a finger at him. "Watch where you throw your accusations, fool!" regardless of her quiet, aloof nature, her words were violent, no matter how shaken she was. And with one glance over to the dead daughter, Abelina's heart dropped. With careful steps, she'd walk over to the body and lay Dana's head on her lap, stroking the beautiful blonde hair matted with blood. "My...what in God's name happened here?" Abelina flashed a coy glance over to Martin, trying to show empathy. But she was never good at socialization due to being different from others, and often referred to as a monster. It was a challenge to give sympathy, or what little she had.