Name: Cecily Age: 9 Gender: Female Race: Their race, the Avianna, seem to appear like normal humans but they are all equipped with wings and increased sensory. Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Years aboard Precipice: Newcomer Apocalyptic Scenario: Their planet, Allarosa, was caught up in extreme warfare. With highly advanced technology, the different groups of people were able to almost destroy each other. A different alien race saw this as an opportunity to destroy what was left just for the fun of it. Abilities: Cecily can fly a little bit but her wings are still growing to a efficient length, she can hear things a little better than most and see things a little better too. Their race is very known for being able to tell when one is lying. Skills: Cecily is a very good cook and has been since a very young age. Short Bio: Cecily has known nothing but the war her whole life. Their planet is much like Earth but the water was purple and the animals were very different-looking. People usually flew for travel due to their ability to reach high speeds. It was surprising with such advanced technology that they had no alternative mode of transportation excluding methods of space travel. Her parents kept her very sheltered but they unfortunately were not able to save themselves. She had the job of cooking meals for others and for those who had to fight and lived in a small, underground bomb shelter with nothing but a doll and a place to sleep. Personality: Surprisingly, Cecily is a very cheerful, happy little girl. She is outgoing and has a very positive outlook on everything. However, she's very easy to anger and she is very stubborn about getting her way. She is very curious and tends to explore places she shouldn't. Cecily is also bright and it doesn't take her very long to learn new things.