Hmmm, it wasn’t the scarf then, perhaps it was the teen’s aura. He gave off a meek vibe, especially when speaking recently. Why was his face so red? Embarresment? Anger? Excitement? It was an odd situation. Turning his gaze away he started to dig into the fish, while coupling it with the less satisfying parts of his meal. After taking a bite and staring forward at the now vacant hot plate, Elmiir had vanished to the back of the little window eatery for a few moments, he thought on the subject harder. However, as he took his second bite and chewed in silence he decided that the scarf’s removal wouldn’t help the teen in the least. Easy prey would simply be easy prey, “You can put the scarf back on,” Rashim stated as he cut away another bite. “The lack of it will not help you in this matter. You should just find someone more intimidating to walk with.” His aura wouldn’t simply improve in the next few minutes, or even over night. Father had said that it was a reflection of self. Confidance, anger, desire, all of that could be reflected in your aura, and the older man had spent year making sure all of their aura’s ‘were up to par’ with his expectations. Rashim had been the last to do so, and he had to wonder what he seemed to radiate…