I just finished binging OITNB x) God damn, that show is so good. The humor, the depth of the characters, their relationships, I love it soooo much <3<3<3 Nikki and Poussey are so attractive omg. V was terrifying D: The back stories on all the characters were fantastic. I want more already xD I love that this show is guaranteed to make me laugh out loud pretty much every episode xD Have you finished it too? Hm, I think they put the log ride in to represent early lumber industry in Canada? Idk xD I like your beaver as the national animal explanation better though. Oh yeah, Italy was pretty cool too! And Morocco! What were the workshops for? For dance? Hahahaha! xD Ok, so getting pushed out of a plane might be too extreme xD But you know, I think I did hear that a great way for control freaks to relax is to put themselves in situations where they have no control x) Sounds kind of counterintuitive, but it could be sort of comforting or exciting, if you're obsessed with control, to give up the reins for a moment and be at the mercy of some other force, or some other person, just briefly. You can't do anything about it, so you're free to just enjoy the rush of adrenaline or whatever. I like the idea of some of our soul mates being people we least expect. Or finding them in places we were never looking for them in the first place! And being pleasantly surprised :) It IS scary to think of being heart broken by someone someday in the future - getting left behind or seeing them lose interest in you x( It's just as bad to imagine being the one to do that to another person, maybe without even realizing it. Some people give their affection really freely and some people are more cautious. And then there are the ones who give it freely, but [i]quietly[/i] and the people around them don't really know how much they are loved. Lol, but you're right, Canada IS the world's happy medium! You know we stereotype you guys as being super friendly right?? Man, I'm gonna visit Canada someday. What do Canadians think of Americans generally? I'm kind of afraid to ask, since I don't think our politicians have made the best impression on the rest of the world. Probably ignorant and fat amirite? xD How is everything going these days? I haven't been on here for a while, too long, I missed ya! I was thinking earlier today while I was at work that I really wanted to tell you about something. But first I gotta ask how are things with [i]the boy[/i]? I understand that feeling you mentioned, about being scared of getting too attached only to feel let down in the long run. All I can say are things you probably already know, which is to just relax, go with the flow, let him do some of the pursuing, resist the urge to be the first to text him every time, etc. Don't let yourself ruminate on all the things that could wrong, instead fantasize about the ways they could go right! But also don't turn him into somebody else in your head, you know, some ideal, perfect person, because that only breeds self-loathing and let down. Hm, I'm probably just projecting all my own mistakes on to you lol xD Just don't be scared and don't stress out! Easier said than done, I know x) It must be finals time for you right now, or soon? How's that going? Are you going to have a big dance competition at the end of the school year too?