All right, here is mine. [hider=Ryan Baird] Name: Ryan Baird Gender: Male Age: 18 Height: 5'7" Appearance: Ryan has short, brown hair in a darker shade and green eyes. His height can be considered average, but he is thinner than the average. He favors comfortable, but durable clothes that serve him well in the cruel conditions outside. He wears the same sweater, trousers and boots almost every day, so their colors have started to fade. Ryan is known for always having his trusty(dirty and used, but working) watch on his left hand. Another signature of him are his MP3 headphones, usually found around his neck or in his ears. Personality: Ryan is a kind, friendly individual, although the days of the disaster have hardened his emotions. He is very suspicious towards strangers and thus it's hard to earn his trust, but he's very loyal to those, who managed to. He is very tech-savvy and has great know-how of computers and everything related to them. He learns fast, which made him able to acquire a good deal of all-around knowledge. He loves to speak and put his talking skills to test - debate. Music is also a vital part of his life and he has a great sense of rhythm. However, as he spent a lot of his time in front of a computer, he lacks physical strength and is pretty clumsy at times. [/hider] I'll add the sheets to the OP ASAP! (Thunder's too!) Edit: Done with everything. Added fancy links to user profiles as well! :D