Holding the reins loosely Rei touches the neck of his beast and she bobs her head once before following the prince and his horse out on to the city streets. She stays several paces behind the black one, Rei's usual look of disinterest masking his keyed up body and his senses now working overtime. Passing so close, to so many people, and for such a long period of time is dangerous no matter who you are. Killing someone in crowds is not as hard as one would think. Rei himself would find the prince an easy target, a good head an shoulders above the rabble on his gigantic beast. He catches whispers here and there, most of which are relatively harmless, even if they are disrespectful to the prince, but a few voices draw his gaze from the young man's back and into the crowd. He keeps his expression blank, but his eyes seek out the source of what caught his interest. The tone of the voices indicate real and true loathing, but it is more the reply to those kinds of tones that are of interest to the assassin. [i]'There are at least two like me less than twenty feet from here. They are not primed to kill, so he is safe, but them being so close. . .They are scoping Alessandro out, getting to know his face. The ones with him. . . They are the ones most assassins get their information from. The ones who hate, but are too cowardly to do the deed themselves'[/i] As they pass, when people get a look at Rei a kind of hush falls across the crowd. This makes it easier for the fae to hear what is being said about the prince, but he knows that despite their silence, he is drawing almost as much attention as the prince himself. Once past they begin a whole new line of whispers, all of which are either questions as to what Rei is doing with the prince, or ideas of who Rei is. Rei has to close his eyes to filter is all, but eventually they reach the edge of town and he is able to open them again. Looking up at the male astride the large stallion Rei tilts his head, noticing that the prince looks much different in the saddle than he does when they are alone together. [i]'His body is ridged and stiff. I wonder if he is uncomfortable up there? But, he rides horses all the time, no? He seems familiar with the beasts. Perhaps one of the grooms did not put the saddle on right'[/i] Rei, despite his time spent around high society and human beings, has grown very little understanding in the ways of human nobility. He has seen the prince stand eye to eye with an assassin, the assassin being him, and not even flinch when knowing that his life could be ended any moment. The though of someone's words actually seriously bothering him doesn't even cross his mind after such a display. Then suddenly, under Rei's watchful gaze, the prince he'd met that night seems to return. That smile more true than any expression he'd seen all morning. Even the smile offered him after stilling the beast between his legs did not hold such things behind it as the one he has now. Rei does not even notice the horse beneath him leaping to keep up with the taller animal, instead he keeps his attention on the man astride it. [i]'Strange. It is as if he can not relax around his own kind. I know that when I am with the fae I am in no real danger, but then again, they are fae, not human. Perhaps the prince fears the deviousness of humans. No fae would dare hurt another fae, it is not their way'[/i] Rei does not even notice his disconnection from his own people. Not aware that he always keeps himself separate from them en-mass. He may live with them, but they are not his people. Rei does not fit in anywhere, and deep down, beneath his conscious mind, he knows that. His hands let go of the reins as he bends low over the female's neck as she bids him to. One hand slips to the front edge of the saddle while the other goes up to hold on to his hat. The speed at which they travel is a new experience to Rei and for a brief moment he takes his attention off the prince and looks around. However he has seen many rolling hills just like the ones flashing past so it does not take long for his eyes to come back to his ward. Eventually the horse in front of him slows and Rei sits up. He looks around at the area, many old bits of stone and wild flowers stretching away in every direction. Once slow enough Rei dismounts, letting the gray walk along beside him as once more his hand goes to his blade. If the prince can not get down and quite the beast, Rei is still resolved to kill it should it pose any threat.