Despite being hit directly with an unexpected energy blast that should have shot him to the moon and sliding backwards, Fury’s opponent was now more than capable of recovering in the mere second he was granted as the Fireen charged his position at immense speed. So much so that he apparently leapt to one side and threw forward some kind of plasma-fist. Fury’s speed was far too great to avoid it, but he could simply blow it away with his energy shield, which carried him past the defence and through to tackle the abomination. He could address the singing damage to his left shoulder, where the blow had been deflected, when his opponent was safely dead. Provided he couldn’t come up with another instantaneous defence with his apparent super-human reflex, the Fireen would barrel into his lower legs and with a speedy take-down drive forward and transfer his momentum up and backwards, in a classic suplex which would drive the hybrid head-first into the ground when Fury’s own back crashed down. There wouldn’t be time for even the quickest of opponents to counter such an attack, but Fury had no doubts he’d react with no surprise and strike with his sword or some other similarly illogical defence. Obviously none of this would happen though, because the instantaneous form-changing hybrid who had appeared from no-where would be invulnerable to both Fury’s superior momentum, positioning, and overall advantage in their skirmish.