Nation Status Card [b][i]Bahapore[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government: King Lorio and Hapore Council Rep. Lord Geward (Notable Leaders: Lord Istudal and General Spero[/b] [b]Settlements Owned: 7[/b] # [b]Provinces Owned: 2[/b]# [b]Population: 330,000[/b]# [b]Population Happiness: 95%[/b] [b]Imports: Cattle, Furs, Iron, and Bronze[/b] [b]Exports:Ships and Salt from Bahapore, Horses and Bronze from Elthana, Warhorses(Iron from Torfas and horses from Elthana), Iron(Torfas), Cattle and Furs(Achnon)[/b] [b]Wealth: Respectable[/b] [b]Alliances: Achnon, Torfas, and Uaruneria[/b] [b]Trade Pacts: Achnon, Torfas, and Uaruneria[/b] [b]Cease Fires: Bohaddon[/b] [/hider] Army Status Card [b][i]Krakon Forces[/i][/b] [hider=Army Status] [b]Current General:[/b] General Spero [b]Location:[/b] Southern Border [b]Morale:[/b] 90% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] - /<2500>// - /<500>// [b]Current Action:[/b] Recovering and guarding southern border. Recapturing Eastern Guard [/hider] [b][i]Horean Air Force[/i][/b] [hider=Army Status] [b]Current General:[/b] Lord Haw [b]Location:[/b] Southern Border [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] - /<200>// - /<300>// [b]Current Action:[/b] Recovering and guarding southern border. Recapturing Eastern Guard [/hider] [hider=Map of Bahapore][img=][/hider] [center][b]The Sea of Riches[/b][/center] The waters lapped silently against the pillars of the old wooden docks of West Hakon. Twenty merchants ships were currently docked at the old krakon city dock. They were full of the riches of Bahapore and neighboring nations, awaiting to set sail and trade their goods with foreign kingdoms and people in the far west. Many hoped to not only help the nation grow wealthier but themselves too. With each fleet of 4 ships would travel a diplomat with the hopes of trade pacts and as they sailed through the waters of Achnon, they would be escorted with a small collection of warships to their destinations. The closest with a two and the farthest, eight. The seas were dangerous, pirates, storms, and navies could easily sink and salvage one of the merchant ships. It was a dangerous mission that offered great rewards. One of the captains leading one of the fleets was Toros, youngest son of the local krakon lord. He had turned towards the life of a trade merchant instead of joining the army like many sons of lords. He started the largest trade fleet between Southern Bahapore and Achnon and Uaruneria and now he took an opportunity to start and control an entire trade route between Bahapore and The Kingdom of Asax. “Hello there my son.” creaks an old voice from behind Toros as he yelled something to his men. Turning around, Toros saw a long worn out krakon. “Father! what are you doing here?” he asked, the surprise clear in his voice. “Why, to see my son off. It will be months before I see you again.” said Lord Tor. He coughed violently into the air. He was old and soon Toro’s brother would succeed him as Lord but you could barely tell that he was sick from a distance, he still had the natural muscular structure of a krakon and his dressed in common clothing that was loose and covered any sight of age. “I don’t have much time to talk, the other fleets are already leaving. I have the farthest to travel and my men are still working. I only have a minute until we have to set sail.” says Toros, the urgency in his voice as he glanced back and forth between his men on the ships and his father. Laughing his father said, “You always worked and worried more than your brother.” Glancing around, he whispers to Toros. “Don’t tell your brother but you should have succeed me. If only you were born a year earlier.” Hugging Toros, he says “Now get on with your mission. I don’t want to hold you any longer.” “Bye father. I will visit once I get back.” yells Toros as he was already running to the ship. Three of the ships had already set sail and the last ship was currently waiting for Toros, the plank was already rising as Toros jumped on board. The oars on the side of the ship started moving and soon the winds picked up and the ship glazed across the calm waters of the bay. Looking back, Toros saw his father watching him, his figure getting smaller and smaller as the ship distanced itself from the land. Due to the GA Agreement made between Bahapore and Achnon, their entire navy and army were under the control of any GA nation. Due to this agreement, Achnon was currently lending their warships to protect the merchant ships. They turned north and a small line that was the land of Bahapore flew past. Asax, Edaria, Ahskos, and Elslen all accepted the trade pacts as the merchant ships reached their shores and ports. Four ships were lost as storms destroyed their hulls but their cargo was salvaged after calm waters came. There was still no response from the nation of Freywyn. [center][b]The Search for Echen[/b][/center] The news of the destruction at the Isles of Echen was months old. Any recent news from the isles had gone cold. Few escaped the rumored destruction and no nation, kingdom, or organization dared to travel there to see if the rumors were true and what really happened. There was no point in traveling to the Isles anyway as the dwarves that lived there or once lived there were always quiet and rarely traded or even left their small islands. But this wasn’t going to stop the leaders of Bahapore from venturing there, they would be one of the first targets if the Dark Elves were to come and in order to defeat them, they would need to find out as much as possible and that meant traveling across the entire stretch of northern Orysson. But they wouldn’t be traveling alone, they couldn’t spare many ships, as such they would send for one of their most trusted allies. An ally that has also been rumored to have spoken with the Dark Elves, it was a risky move but great risks came with great rewards. Council member Geward was already hard at working with preparing the Bahapore exploration fleet and extras if Uaruneria decided to decline the offer and the message was already getting sent. [hider=message to Uaruneria] Dear Sarantsa Uiun Pepelu, Avatar of the Phoenix, I write to you at the request of our entire collection of noble leaders in Bahapore. The request isn’t just a great honor for you, it’s also a great honor for us. Cooperation between our two nations only proves to strengthen our bonds as allies. I write to you today to fleet a collection of ships of your choice and a number of Bahaporean ships to the Isles of Echen to not only discover what happened so many months ago to the inhabitants but also to help any survivors and annex the small island nation to the Grand Alliance. As we speak, our fleet is already getting prepared and only wait for your word to set sail. It isn’t a mandatory operation but we feel that you know more about the Dark Elves that destroyed Echen and threaten us more than any other person in the entire population of the lands of Orysson. We also have a small request of any information(or resources) sent to Bahapore, we would pay a great deal for it. Sincerely, Council memeber Geward, representing The Baha Council of Northern Bahapore, King Lorio of the Krakons and Southern Bahapore, and the entire population of my proud nation. [/hider]