[b]Haljon[/b] [u]Palace of Kathar[/u] Haljon did not know what he had expected to find when he arrived at the palace, but it certainly had not been the High Priest upon the throne. He realized it made sense—who else would act as regent in the absence of an emperor or empress?—but what truly surprised him was the realization that [i]they were on the same side[/i]. It was very encouraging indeed, to know that men of such power were his allies. It gave him a new sense of confidence and security in their cause, dispelling any ill feelings he had previously held for it. [i]And those eyes...![/i] Haljon thought, as he gazed into their crimson color. [i]They are more than disconcerting.[/i] He kept a stoic expression on his face as he listened to Fingar speak, but his mind reeled at the implications of Fingar's words. To release the Shadowlords was one thing, but to control them as well? Haljon rubbed his temple, the very thought giving him a headache. He had, not too long ago, believed the Shadowlords to be no more than a fairy tale; told to children at night to keep them from mischief. But of course, that had all changed when he was approached in the tavern by a stranger for the second time. Haljon shook his head slightly. [i]Best not to dwell on that too long.[/i] He thought to himself. If what Fingar said was true, and that it was possible to control the Shadowlords, it was apparent to him that it might finally be possible to exact the revenge he had long been seeking. Haljon waited for Fingar to finish speaking, then knelt, his sword planted in front of him. [b]"While lesser men may think you a madman, I do not. You speak of a power that would grant me the ability to finally repay the Immortals for the wrongs they have committed to everyone whom I ever cared for.[/b] He paused, gritting his teeth before continuing. [b]"I shall swear any oath, accomplish any deed, and slay any foe you wish of me, should it bring us closer to obtaining this power. You have my word of honor as a Knight."[/b]