[center][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Male%20Characters/Rumpel.gif?t=1406852255][img=][/center] Heather whirled to see Alexandre disappear in a cloud of smoke. She clenched her fists, feeling helpless that she couldn't help Alexandre. She said nothing to the Imp, while Hyde laughed in her mind about how he was worse than she was. How could he? How could he just send Alexandre to the Queen, right after tearing his heart out? Heather knew that she wouldn't be forgetting this for a very long time, no matter how much she would want to. The Imp turned to face Heather the moment Alexandre was gone, a casual shrug coming from his shoulders as if he were reading her very thoughts. "I can teach you to do that you know. [i]Anything[/i] you want, you can have, and no one to tell you otherwise...all you need to do...is give into that anger I know you're holding inside you dearie." Heather was about to refuse, but she heard Hyde's voice echo in her mind, telling her to accept, because it would help in getting revenge for Alexandre, and Hyde promised not to take over if she did. Heather sighed through her nose, giving in to the anger, and somewhat relieved that Hyde wasn't using this chance to take over, and she said to him "Fine. What do I need to learn first?" Rumpelstiltskin nodded his head once in approval of her decision and slowly walked to the table where he rested himself against as he turned to look at his apprentice once again. "Magic is about emotion. Summon up that moment that made you [i]so[/i] angry that you would have killed if you could." Heather listened to what he said, and she did. She recalled one of the people who made her life miserable, and she recalled the moment when she was plenty angry, before she had created Evelyn Hyde... [i]A few years ago... Heather stood in front of the board of scientists. Next to her was Dr. Victor Frankenstein. The board was deciding on who they should give the funds to. In a sense, it was up to them to decide whose work was much more important. Heather had taken so much time to make sure that her thesis was accurate, persuasive, and completely backed by evidence. And yet...all of her effort seemed to be in vain. Sir Danvers Carew, the leader of the Board of Scientists, spoke to the both of them "We have decided to give funding for Dr. Victor Frankenstein's work. Dr. Frankenstein, you may head up to Switzerland to do your work tomorrow," Heather sighed with disappointment, while catching the sight of Frankenstein's smirk. Before she could raise any protests, Sir Danvers Carew called "And with that, this meeting is dismissed," He banged the gavel and many people left, leaving Heather to stand alone. The last to leave was Victor Frankenstein himself. He smirked at Heather and he said "There, you see? My work, for life, is much more important than your pursuit of a fairy tale," Heather glared at Frankenstein and she commented, "Gloat all you like. I can still find a way to perform my experiments and do my work," Frankenstein laughed and said "If I were you, I'd just give up. After all, [u]there's no place for silly little women, like yourself, when it comes to science[/u]," Frankenstein left with a smirk, leaving Heather seething in anger. After he had left, and there was nobody else in the building, Heather screamed in anger. She really wanted to kill him...[/i] Heather's fists clenched even more and she muttered the rest of the thought out loud "...I'd make him my little lab rat before I'd kill him! Show him that my work [i]is[/i] important...!" Rumpelstiltskin watched her with genuine interest, slowly [i]feeling[/i] the rage building up inside of her that caused the Imp's grin to widen more and more. With a gentle gesture, he issued Heather to approach him over at the table. Waiting for her to join him, he flicked his wrist and a small tea-lit candle appeared in his hand of which he then set on the wooden surface of the dusty table. Heather almost didn't notice the gesture, but she did nonetheless, and she approached the table and to him. She made sure that she still had that memory at the front of her mind. Turning his attention from the unlit candle back to Heather, he used his hand to brush away the brown locks of hair that kept the markings from their earlier scuffle hidden and waved his hand over the injuries. Just as it had before with Hyde, small, airy wisps of purple strands of magic circled around his hand but unlike last time, the cuts and bruises began to heal themselves, almost instantly until there was absolutely no indication that he had been beating her beforehand. Heather could feel the wounds and bruises heal themselves, but she remained quiet and still. "You hold onto that memory dearie, and you hold onto power." Rumpelstiltskin smiled softly, returning his hand to his side before turning to look at the candle on the table. "Now light it." Heather was tempted to just use the practical method and use a lighter, but knew that that wasn't what Rumpelstiltskin was looking for. She glared at the candle, as though it belonged to Frankenstein, and she recalled the memory and how she wanted to pour her chemicals down his throat, or slip poison into his food. However, the candle didn't seem be lighting itself. She added the frustration onto that anger and growled "Come on..." She closed her eyes for a brief moment and focused on the emotions, as though it may help. "Stop thinking about the candle, focus on your anger instead." Rumpelstiltskin instructed from behind her, pacing back and forth slightly, watching...[i]feeling[/i] her struggle to light the candle. Heather sighed through her nose and took his instruction seriously. She focused on her anger, with her eyes still closed. Without even realizing it, the candle suddenly lit. "Look." Rumpelstiltskin whispered, having bent over her shoulder to speak softly in her ear. Heather opened her eyes and saw that the candle was lit. "And that, dearie, is how magic is made." Rumpelstiltskin said straightening himself up behind her to take his place instead at her side, letting her on to the slight amount of pride in his voice. But that was just how magic was [i]made[/i]...how did he [i]control[/i] it? "How do you use your anger to cast different spells?" Rumpelstiltskin let out a light chuckle at her question, though it was only half-hearted...masked by some other emotion that had yet to make itself known in him. "Just like anything else, magic requires practice. You will learn over-time to control your anger and channel it into something you [i]can[/i] control, just like any emotion. Magic will become a part of you, second-nature if you allow it to reside within you. However you must never under-estimate it's power, as it always comes with a price." He vaguely gestured towards his own appearance. Heather listened carefully to what Rumpelstiltskin had to say, mentally taking notes. She noticed how he gestured to himself when he mentioned that magic came with a price and muttered, "Right...of course," She could tell already what her price is for using magic. It was giving Evelyn Hyde more strength, until she could take over her body for good. Rumpelstiltskin studied Heather's face for a moment, seeming to be lost in thought in the still silence. He quickly shook his head though, pulling himself out of his own thoughts and conjured up a small book out of thin air and handed it to her. "But what good is an apprentice without her own spellbook?" He asked with a giddy grin. "When you aren't cooking my meals, cleaning my castle and doing whatever else that I ask, you will be studying this book. Only then when you have mastered all it's contents, with my instruction of course, will you truly be free of your other self. Just as you wanted." Heather snapped out of her own thoughts when he presented the book, and she took the book in her hands. She answered politely, "Thank you," Rumpelstiltskin bowed politely in return. She wanted to look through the book and see what spells were in there, but she knew that she may have to save that for later, the lesson probably wasn't over yet. She could hear Hyde in her mind, protest and tell her that she will never leave and that the body will be hers soon enough. Rumpelstiltskin waved his hand over the candle and the light was immediately diminished. His eyes then trailed back over to Heather and he nodded once more. "Again." Heather didn't complain. She focused on her anger again, and lit the candle with her eyes closed. This time, she opened her eyes after she had successfully lit the candle, slightly being able to [i]feel[/i] that she had lit it once more. Taking a seat on the dusty table next to the candle, Rumpelstiltskin smiled his praises to Heather. "You should be proud dearie. You've shown more progress in less amount of time than the Evil Queen herself." He grinned. "Though...her motives for using magic were slightly...different..." He then added, speaking more to himself than to Heather. Heather looked to Rumpelstiltskin, but didn't let pride get to her head. She knew what pride could do to an intellect. She grew curious, however, when he mentioned the Evil Queen and mumbled about motives. She asked, "The Evil Queen? As in the one from the tale of Snow White?" She wasn't sure, considering there were many evil queens and women in fairy tales. She had heard of the story, but she knew that there was always more to the story than what's on the surface. Rumpelstiltskin raised his hand to his head and then his hand out indicating that his memory had failed him for a moment. "Oh yes, I'd forgotten your current knowledge of The Enchanted Forest; other than what that [i]Cat[/i] has been able to tell you I suppose..." He pushed himself off the table and made his way to the only window in the room that wasn't covered by a dusty old curtain and looked out over the horizon. The sun had set long ago, and yet there still remained a still, orange glow just before the mountains took over the gentle plains...and where a forest once was. "But there will be plenty of time for that later." He added on, though kept his back to her as he watched where he knew the forest was burning. Heather looked out of the window from where she stood and she saw the orange glow in the darkness. What was happening out there? She couldn't ask, because he told her that she would learn about this world later (much to her slight irritation). "We will be having a guest in the morning. I shall expect nothing less than a welcoming breakfast for when she arrives. You are to find me in my room when she arrives after you have issued her in. You aren't to speak anything more to her than what is a custom greeting, you needn't to go around telling everyone you're not from here..." Heather noticed that he used the word 'she' in his speech, so it was safe to assume that the visitor would be female. She asked out of curiosity, "Who are you expecting?" The answer didn't come right away, as Rumpelstiltskin thought his words over carefully, deciding on just how much he wanted to have revealed. "Just an old friend." He said after a short while, though finally turning to face Heather once more. "I trust you took it upon yourself to look around The Dark Castle in my absence?" He then asked, changing the direction of conversation, though his voice held no anger as one would have expected. She noticed how he suddenly changed the conversation's direction, guessing from that, that the visitor coming tomorrow could be the same woman that Alexandre had mentioned briefly before his heart had been ripped out. She didn't comment though, and she nodded a simple yes. She easily recalled all of the guest rooms she had seen and picked the one she'd rather stay in. "You may have any room you like dearie, aside from my own and the library of course." Heather nodded and said politely, "Alright. Once again, thank you," and Rumpelstiltskin replied only by a polite, theatrical bow. It was certainly better than having him throw her in the dungeons she had seen earlier in her exploration. She remembered where she found his room and library and made note to avoid those areas. "You've got an early morning ahead of you dearie, the castle is a bit dusty." Rumpelstiltskin went on, implying that Heather would be cleaning the entirety of The Dark Castle once she woke up. He walked to Heather casually, putting his hand on the small of her back and led her out of the room, gently walking her to the staircase that would take them upstairs where the choice bedrooms were located. He walked with her up the stairs, stopping only when they reached two solid oak doors of fine craftsmanship that no doubt lead to the master bedroom of the entire castle. Again, he bowed deeply to her, a silent goodnight, before magically opening the doors where he then walked through, shutting the doors tightly behind him and once again leaving Heather on her own. Heather could already feeling the almost invisible bags under her eyes get heavier at his first comment. She ignored it though as she walked with Rumpelstiltskin until he reached his room. After that, she headed for the guest room she had picked out. She reached the room, not completely intent on sleeping (in fear of Hyde taking over and doing something stupid). She opted for flipping through the spell book and reading up on the spells she had to learn.