[quote=ImportantNobody] The alchemist plan would work the best to mold the armor to fit her unique body shape (small and with wings/tail openings). Unless you're saying by enchant that he can enchant the metal to attain such a shape.[/quote] Kinda, sorta [quote]Her alchemist armor would be able to be summoned at will through her fire, so she could have parts of it appear or disappear at will such as over the wings so she can go from protecting them to having the armor go away so that she can fly.[/quote] Eh, he can probably gives an enchantment to lighten the whole thing, though if he manage for the summon at will, it won't be coming out through flame. Can be rationalized that the winds might be interacting with her flames and caught on fire. [quote]I also planned on the armor being able to shape-shift on the hands and feet to grow larger and form claws to become more dragon-like in appearance. Normally the claws are placed up near the knuckles but then they go down onto the finger portions of the gauntlets. [/quote] This part is not his forte though. At least not as you describe.