In a side by side review between the old sheet and the new sheet all three judges deemed the character sheet acceptable. No buffs have been added from the previous sheet, just specifics on how every power of his works. Khold's previous sheet mentioned manipulation of wind and ice within a 10 foot radius from his postion. Near instant creation of ice, 400 mile per hour winds, and specific shaping of both wind and ice. Everything on the new sheet is just a more specific extension of his already stated abilities. The only 'new' ability is flight, and that was acceptable. It was stated that he was going to update his character sheet when he was no longer in combat. In his post previous to his most recent one he was officially no longer in combat. As Kanitah had moved him to a position where he was no longer fighting, and the Mooks hadn't come to him yet. The sheet was updated then. The three reviewers and Rilla's ruling there. He's a borderline high tier character, but not high enough to be classified as high tier. The very definition of a glass cannon.