Hello this is the Background story to my character before I post any starters so that you can know about her Riley was born on the planet gallifrey when the doctor was in his seventh regeneration. During this time her father was working for the Gallifreyan army and protection corps. a year later her life had changed her father dying in the war trying to get her and her human mother off of the planet safely. later when she was four years old she would ask about her father only having one true memory of him which was a special circular gallifreyan necklace that she wore around her neck. her mother afraid to tell her about her true heritage hid it from her by claiming her father had died in a plane crash a year after she was born. when Riley turned 15 her and her mother moved to London and she was forced to go to a prep school which she hated. Riley would spend many a day in class just day dreaming and drawing. one day though a Dalek invasion happened at her school and they claimed they were searching for "the other one" they grabbed her and took her away. when she woke she busted out of her cell and ran into the 10th doctor while running from the Daleks. he end up saving her in the end and they became great friends, for the longest she traveled with him on his adventures but one he had to bring her back home, for he knew that the day was coming where he would have to regenerate again and didn't want her to worry about him, leaving her was one of the hardest things for him to do because he had grown so fond of her. but when he left her at home again he promised that one day very soon he would return. it was five years later when Riley was 20 that he came back in his Eleventh regeneration he wanted to make up for lost time so he asked her to rejoin him, she did and throughout their travels she began to slowly develop a crush on Eleven, Amy and Rory both knew it but as her new friends both promised not to say anything to him about it. on one of their missions Riley was shot and that's when she and the doctor learned she was at least 50% timelady. soon after the Doctor and Riley go together to solve the mystery of her father. for the 10th doctor *starter #1* -Riley Winchester thought she was going to have just another normal day at her high school exams were finishing today and now she was in her third period class. suddenly though what seemed like such a normal day to her was all ruined when the alarms at school were blaring, they had found an intruder! a pack of strange looking robots scoured the hallways until one finally shot her down and grabbed her. with that they had left the school students and teachers quite terrified and school was cancelled for the rest of the day. when riley woke up the 15 year old covered her eyes for a moment at the blinding light around her, she thought she was dead but a small shock helped her to realize she certainly wasn't. Dalek: YOU ARE THE ONE WE SEEK! THE DOCTOR WILL COME FOR YOU AND THEN WE SHSLL EXTERMINATE HIM!!!! -the robot shouted at her, after a while she was left alone and decided she would try to jail break- *No one puts Riley Winchester in a cage* she snapped to herself- for the 11th doctor *starter #2* -Riley was all grown up and it had been five years since she last saw a dear friend. it made her so sad to watch him and his TARDIS disappear from her life but she knew he would've wanted her to move on. even if she did though there were moments when she thought of his quirky actions. she was a very good drawer these days and today she just couldn't find anything worth drawing around her house, with a thought in mind she grabbed her drawing bag with all of her art supplies and headed toward the Cardiff park, surely there would be something good to draw there. when she got there Riley climbed the small grassy hill that overlooked a small duck pond and a huge playground, she smiled a little as the breeze lifted her ginger locks around her and she sat on the grass observing the children at play-