[img=http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/xGabrielxArt/WildWest_zps9c046eed.jpg] "My bullets judge all equally..." - Alicia killing a angel in 1683 [b]Name:[/b] Alicia Beatrix [b]Race:[/b] Demon Wraith [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] Wraith: Though she has a solid form she is not as easy to kill as normal humans, but still can be killed. Wraith Form: Alicia is able to enter into a incorporeal form to avoid incoming attacks, however she can not attack herself while doing this. She can also dash and glide softly while doing this. Reaper Trigger: Calling on the devoured[url=http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/xGabrielxArt/Detective/sample-3606866b2beb797be690a9cdf3011806_zps5fbd89ae.jpg] Death Wraith Minos[/url] within her, Alicia can unlock a powerful form that is able to deal out massive amounts of damage to all that need her judgement. {This power is currently locked until later in the RP. Just wanted you to know what to exspect} [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Legendary Gunslinger: Alicia has a ungodly skill with guns of all kinds, able to shoot other bullets out of the air and other incredible inhuman feats. Hand to Hand: Though not the best, she is able to out fist fight most humans and lower level demons. Great Cook: Has a knack for cooking meals out of anything, including demon meat. Demon Knowledge: She knows alot about demons and how they work, though not about how to kill all of them, she dose know how to effectively kill lower level demons. [b]Inventory:[/b] Revolver Split Trigger: A single revolver that she keeps on her at all times, and is her main form of attack. Gunslingers coffin: A large case she carries is able to hold alot more than it is letting on. It currently keeps a Winchester rifle, more revolvers, Tommy gun and dynamite Small book she constantly writes in [b]Other:[/b] She is apart of the Logo Theme: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cjEgovupTw]Legendary Gunslinger[/url] Theme: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fFl9I5ROfg]For Laughs[/url] ----------------------------------- Name: Zacchaeus Age: ??? Gender: Male Species: Angel Occupation: Angel of Purity Alliance: God, Divine Council, Demon Hunters Class: Powers, Guardian Appearance: [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/032/c/5/guardian_angel__zaccheus_human_attire__modern__by_zacaxthegunsmith-d74mpvo.jpg] Powers: -Flight (With wings out) -High Accuracy -Sixth Sense: A sense that humans would potientially have, if their minds were fully unlocked, Zacchaeus has the ability to sense other worldly beings, be it Demons, Angels, or any spiritual being, which aids him on his missions. -Pyrokinesis: Zacchaeus can create streams of white fire, representing the Holy Flames to purify one's sins. -Sodom and Gomorrah's Fate: Creates a giant meteor of fire and tosses it. ((To be unlocked later)) -Baptism of Heaven: Engulfs the foe in fire. Typically, this was meant for ceremonial purposes whenever a demon was to become an angel yet again, but has now become an ability also for incinerating weaker foes. -Deliverance Wall: Dubbed after the pillar of fire to protect the Israelites in Exodus, this is a circular wall meant to be a shield of sorts to protect those inside. -Trasnparency: Not to be confused with turning see through. Like all Angels, Zacchaeus can reveal himself to humans, but only to those who were never given the gift of Sight. -Super Human Strength -Singing: While not a conventional skill, each angel is given a beautiful singing voice. -Prayers: A message to God, Zacchaeus often uses these for blessing and quick requests, seeing how big favors require longer durations of wait he uses them only when he sees it needed in battle or outside of it, unlike his previously mentioned powers. Talents/Skills: Personality: A brave, humble and kind young man who generally displays a light-hearted, talkative, easy-going, witty and cheeky manner, but repeatedly demonstrates a vengeful and unforgiving streak as well. His strong personal sense of justice makes him quick to anger when he feels it is violated, this is coupled, however, with an intense sense of regret of the deaths of both his friends and enemies. He also has a tendency to babble, mixing apparent nonsense with vital information, sometimes acting erratically to put his enemies off-guard. He is prone to making comments that to outsiders seem obtuse or rude, sometimes to his own embarrassment. Weapons: -The Devil Breakers: Two blue swords with gold lining, gold hilts and pummels, and with a flick they become the Arms of God. Usually they are summoned to him, but he keeps them in a guitar case in human attire.