As Khold launched himself at the first ship his cone of ice tore through the center of the drop ship as it ripped through its plated armor, eventually striking the main power core. An explosion that effectively cut the ship in two took place, sending the two flaming halves in separate directions. The second faring far better, the pilot able to avoid the worst of the missile attack. The vessels right wing catching most of the blast of ice, which sundered thrusters upon it and leading to the drop ship falling into a forward crash course with the web suspended island of rock and dirt bellow it. It took a column of rock and a tree form its roots as it turned widely to one side before finally stopping. Which left the third ship now void of a nose cannon to wheel back as it scaled another 100 feet into the air. Even as it ascended, it fired off a volley of rockets around Khold, meanwhile the side door of the downed Drop ship opened with a hiss of smoke. "Well, this certainly not coming out of my paycheck." A familiar humanoid figure emerged from the side door, agilely avoiding a pit. Assuming Khold weathered the storm of missiles Tablurath would whistle in his direction. "There you are! You’re a hard man to find you know that? After you little skip across the meadow, good thing I have I had taxis not too far away, huh? hahaha." He stretched and flexed the joints in his fingers. One might notice that the lower half of his body was peculiarly coated in a sea of moving black...something....spiders? Though how they got there one could only guess. Standing his right leg stepping lightly forward so that he faced Khold at an angle he continued. "Now where were we? Ah, can't really recall....say you look awfully stressed, what do you say to a cup of herbal essence? Helps with the nerves it does!" All the while the drop ship had reached 200 feet by now, and had begun to slowly circle platform both scions found themselves on.