Ridding the great ox, with veins connecting keeping bought Sieben and Darren glued to the beasts backs. Sieben had a vein that connected with the ox's head from each of his hands. Using these veins Sieben directed the beast towards town. At first he was scared and wasn’t quite sure what he was doing, and the constant destruction of the surrounding area from the ox did not help at all. When they got closer to town and then through it. The ragging shape of an ox with riders scared the people. Some just stared as the vision ran passed, but most yelled and screamed as they ran away. Once they got to the alley ways, the ox began destroying everything it could while ragging. Sieben tried to slow it down by shooting veins to random objects around them, using the power from the ox. Though at first he tried to stop the ox , the evil from the stole blood began to take effect on Sieben. Now he shoot veins in random objects trying to smash them even more. Then as the ox rammed into a stall, and a broken piece of wood hit Sieben in the head, cracking his skull and dazzling him for a moment. Sieben could feel dizziness and was lost for a moment. He leaned on his left and pulled with his right hand as much as he could to straighten himself out. This made the ox turn and set it on a collision route with a small house. Siebens body automatically began healing and stealing blood from the ox. But by the time Sieben got back to his senses it was too late. The whole trio rammed into a wall of a small house. The ox tripped and fell. Sieben taking the full hit got knocked unconscious and the force from the impact tore him and Darren of the ox’s back and thrown to the ground. Because Sieben took most of the impact he was down, but who ever had set behind him should have no problem getting back up. And neither did the ox. After a couple of seconds it got back on its feet. Standing there in the middle of rubble and dust it waited, not sure what to do next it looked for a way out or a new threat.