[b]Vanguar[/b] [hider=Nation Status]Current Leader/Government: High Chief Skar Bloodwroth Settlements Owned: 4 Provinces Owned: 1 Population: 100 000 Standing Army: - /<900 Orcs>// - /<1, 300 Orcs>// - /<600 Orcs>// - /<500 Orcs>// Population Happiness: 45% Imports: Exports: Iron, Spice Wealth: Poor Alliances: None Trade Pacts: None Cease Fires: None [/hider] Army Status Cards [hider=The Vanguard][b]The Vanguard[/b] Current Leader: High Chief Skar Bloodwroth Location: Southern Amplesh Morale: 70% Strength/Unit Breakdown: - /// - /<450>/ - /<300>/ Current Action: Under Siege in Amplesh[/hider] [hider=Grimmhold Levy][b]Grimmhold Levy[/b] Current Leader: High Chief Skar & Captain Grisbane Location: Southern Amplesh Morale: 50% Strength/Unit Breakdown: - /// - /<900>/ Current Action: Under Siege in Amplesh[/hider] [hider=Shale Levy] [b]Shale Levy[/b] Current Leader: Band-Master Haskeer Location: Fort Bloodwroth Morale: 60% Strength/Unit Breakdown: - /// - /<600>/ Current Action: Besieged in the Shale[/hider] [hider=Crag Levy][b]Crag Levy[/b] Current Leader: General Stryke Location: The Crag Morale: 100% Strength/Unit Breakdown: - /// - /<100>/ - /<400>/ Current Action: Defending the Crag[/hider] [hider=Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/afCpo0d.png[/img][/hider] [center][img]http://fastfantasy.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/the-orc-bounty.jpg[/img] [i]Jup, son of Harrow, seizes power in Mordun[/i] [b]The Harrowing[/b][/center] As Vanguar descends into the horrors of civil war, the Clan of Mordun remains still, though promised to fight to depose the iron will of Skar, High Chief of Vangaur. The recent loss of Vuun, the heir to Chief Harrow, lord of Mordun, has stalled any war effort as priorities shifted to selecting a new heir. Chief Harrow voiced solemn support for his last surviving son, Jup to lead the clan after his death. Many of the Clan elders, however, suspected Jup of being in league with Grimmhold and sent forth champions to challenge Jup. As tradition dictates, Jup would have to survive a contest of wits and might in order to hold onto his claim of heir, this contest is known as the Harrowing. Of all the challengers, some two score in all, Jup emerged the victor. However, before the armies of Mordun could be mobilized, Chief Harrow suddenly fell grievously ill. Jup has ordered the lands scoured for skilled healers and potions to aid the ailing chief. [b][center]Scouring of the Crag[/b][/center] Despite attempts from General Stryke to stall and hinder the invasion forces marching into the Crag from Wycke, the army of rebels have managed to push back the loyalist defenders and raze the holds and villages of the Crag. The rebel army, numbering nearly 5000 have amassed just outside of Grimmhold and an assault is imminent. [b][center]Skar's War[/b][/center] For weeks Skar's invasion of Amplesh had been limited to fighting in the south of the clanship. The Amplesh Clans had surrounded Skar's forces upon a high hill and were content to deliver a slow death to the invaders knowing the civil war would keep help from coming. The Chiefs of Amples did not count on Skar's cunning, however. Residing to the fact that no help was coming, Skar changed tactics and began to flare tensions between the coastal Orcs. Night raids conducted by Skar behind enemy lines have the Amplesh leadership pointing claws at each other, and the army holding Skar at bay has dissolved by in-fighting. Picking his moment, Skar has charged down the hill and pushed the Amplesh rabble out of the southern river valley, taking a firm foothold on southern Amplesh. Despite the victory, Skar's forces are severely depleted and doubts are high that even the river valley can be held through the summer.