Name: Solan Freya Age: 15 Race of Monster: Valkyrie Gender: Female Appearance: [img] [/img] She is an average height of about five foot four, and is on the rather scrawny side. Solan has little feminine curve much to her discomfort. Her lovely snow white hair is cut in a short bob that reaches a little past her neck. Given so, her face still has a youthful roundness to it, and her maroon eyes still have a naïve curious look to them. When extended, her wingspan is a simple ten feet, that being each wing is only about five feet in length. She isn’t strong enough to carry a person just yet, as she needs to strengthen her wings until then. She has a headband accessory that is metallic silver and on either side of her head of her ears it has small silver wings. This is worn as the mark of a Valkyrie that she always wears. Outside of uniforms, Solan usually wears clothes that are both neutral in color and gender. This would consist of simple button up clothes and pants and walking shoes. However, due to the possibility of using her wings, her shirts lack the back portion of fabric as when she summons her wings, they are attached to her. History: She’s from a small hidden village in Norway, home to plenty of Valkyrie much like herself. Her home wasn’t always hidden from those who weren’t Valkyrie, but until recently, so few leave their tribes, in fear of the outside world, and the known discrimination against the Valkyrie. The myth that they brought death to anyone they met had spread, and with fear others held against them came violence. As a result, Solan had lived a sheltered life. Ever since she was young, she lived in the shadow of her mother and older sisters. All of them were well known Valkyries who took on the noble job of guiding souls to Valhalla. Compared to them, she was pathetic in means of skill, including flight, one of the key aspects of being a guide for the dead. Not to mention her lack of backbone. When she received the unexpected letter as an invitation to Yokai Academy, she believed this was her chance to prove her family that she wasn’t useless. Her parents wished her luck, and her sisters rudely doubted their sibling to even last a day without messing things up, getting lost, or even eaten. Personality: She enjoys the company of others, and is very kind, practically to the point and could be very easily taken advantages of, which would be her downfall, as she is too trusting .She is a good listener, and doesn't mind helping others. Solan's rather proper and treats everyone nicely despite how they treat her. She is very inquisitive, and after hiding from the world, she wants to learn everything about it. She doesn't understand customs that take place outside of her home very well, and can be a bit awkward at times due to her misunderstandings of situations. She is also very kind and happy to each and every one, which is the opposite most expect for being an “angel of death”. Having little experience in the world previous to her sheltered life, she has little fear as to the possible dangers the world hides. Given so, she can seem rather reckless in risky situations. Habits and Quirks: - Much like a bird, when she’s stressed, she sheds feathers. - Her wings also sometimes portray her emotions, such as when she’s excited, her wings may flap wildly. -Can be seen talking to birds. -Apologizes constantly -Speaks rather formal but tries to speak with slang, often getting terms wrong Power(s): -Flight with the help of wings that can be summoned and dismissed with a rather magical poof. -Can sense death -Can shapeshift into a small white bird for easily blending in the human world in addition to her human form. Weaknesses: -Can become melancholy if she senses a death even if she never knew them. -Had trouble understanding some slang, technology, and modern customs. -Can't fly very long or very high -Has a slight fear of heights