Dylan sluggishly stood and staggered out with Flint. He would be lucky if he could tell the guy how to get him home. Jack watched as they left, then got up and walked after them. Orren remained at the counter, hoping that his brother didn't get himself in trouble. As the two made their way down the street, Jack stalked them from the shadows. They were getting into TI-32 territory, and he was feeling a little bolder than usual. Jack pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and tied it around the lower half of his face, making a makeshift mask. He slowly pulled his gun as he drew nearer. Dylan took a sudden stumble, requiring Flint to focus on getting him back up. Jack took the opportunity to pounce. No sooner than Dylan was on his feet, the barrel of a handgun was shoved into his back. "Alright Chucklefucks, hand over your cash and no one has to get hurt," Jack said gruffly. Dylan just stood there in a state of confusion.