As Jake took the first step into the tunnel heading south towards Hoxton he heard someone yell from behind him. He recognized the voice as the white-haired girl from earlier. He stopped and turned around to see her come running after them, he waited and let her catch up. [i]"I'm going with you. To make sure you don't run off with our supplies. Jonathan may trust you but you haven't... - "[/i] She gave each of them a strange look. Jake shrugged. He doubted that they'd find anything down at Hoxton, but if they did it'd be nice to have an extra pair of hands to haul the find back to camp. Besides, she seemed overly excited about it, had she even been outside of the camp before? No one in their right mind would be excited about having to travel through these tunnels, especially not toward a four way intersection and the purple line. [i]"Besides you two look kinda lost. I have a map of the underground we'll get to Hoxton and back quick as lightning."[/i] She continued as she went straight past Jake into the tunnel taking the lead. [i]"Oh and I'm Shirley by the way. Shirley Blackwall."[/i] Jake shook his head and sighed. He let Fuaad pass him by and followed them down into the concrete maze as a conversation sparked between the two of them. He kept half an ear on the conversation as he tugged his backpack into a comfortable position and let his mind wander. He'd memorized the entirety of Londons' underground a long time ago. It had been a pain in the ass but he no longer needed to carry any sort of map with him. [i]"[...] fly to the moon?"[/i]- Fuaad was being his normal cheery and charming self but he had known him long enough to know that there was something bothering the man, he didn't have the slightest idea of what it was that did, though. Jake felt the familiar weight of his iron pipe as he let it, and his arm, swing gently back and forth with their pace. The girl, Shirley, was in a hurry. The speedy pace wouldn't last long, it was a long way to Hoxton and her eagerness would hopefully settle down or burn out before they got too far. It was both inefficient and dangerous to travel too fast without caution. [i]"[...] Jake don't mind ... even if he do mind he can't say..."[/i] Their conversation carried on as they walked and Jake had no intention of joining in. He wouldn't. He couldn't. Sound is dangerous. Sound attracted [i]them[/i]. [i]Sam.[/i] Images flashed before his eyes; Shenfield. The sound of his brother playing. [i]"End of the line, Shenfield station! ksssshh!"[/i] Laughter. [i]Blood.[/i] Jokes, awful ones that Sam would tell and the smile he made when he managed to coax a laugh during hard times. Screaming. Blood. Cold concrete. Blood. Pain. Jake stumbled. He shook his head to clear his mind. He had fallen behind by a dozen feet. [i]Pay attention.[/i] he told himself as he broke into a short jogg and caught up with the others.