Shadrack had felt bad for the girl in the library. She obviously liked him, and he did not have the heart to shoot her down. She was... odd though. Maybe he would hang out with her, to make her feel better. After all, he did not have any other friends yet, and did not really care to make to many of them. They would not last, once it got around that he was a gypsy. Even here, in the States, they were looked down on. It was all bullshit of course. Everyone though that they would trick you, or do shoddy work. Bullshit. He ran through the forest with his dog, dodging branches and leaping over underbrush, as only a lycanthrope could. He had not turned, but simply decided to run. His long strides and leaps kept him up with his German shepherd easily. They ran for miles, through the dark evening, running up and down hills and between the trees. Eventually, they hit the highway on the outskirts of town. Shadrik paused, and called his dog to him. She was panting, but happy. He was wearing nothing more than garage sale running shoes and a cheap pair of running shorts. If he decided to turn, he did not want to leave valuable clothing behind. Besides, his mother was used to him showing up at the RV needing clothing, after one of his late night runs. "What do you think girl?" She cocked her head at him. "I agree." He ditched the shorts and shoes alongside the highway, and headed back into the woods. Standing among the trees, his flesh started to warp and change. His bones started to mold into new shapes and shrink. Fur started to grow along his back, his limbs and even his face, as his nose and mouth started to elongate. He was covered in sweat as the transformation happened, and then he was simply not himself any more. In his place, stood a lean wolf with black fur. He turned to Sheba, and they started off together, crossing the highway at a dead run. Their run took them into the woods again, and then across the lawn of some of the older, nicer houses in town. They were mere shadows as they moved, with little regards for anything but their running. The next thing you knew, they had a scent. It was rabbit. Both of them tore after the scent excitedly. The blood of rabbits was an excellent way to cap off their run.