Randal chuckled. "Can't say as I mind, if they actually help me out, but the real problem is the gossip. You've only met Rosco, but you'll be the talk of the town tomorrow." He opened her truck door for her, but did not go so far as to offer to help her up into it. He almost wanted too, just to put his hands around her waist, but though he would be pushing things to far, to quickly. The only trouble was, if her damned car started, she would be back on the road and miles away in no time. He was not the sort to disable her car with intention to flirt, so chances where she would be gone sooner than later. He chatted her up, as they drove back, asking if she wanted something else on the radio, what her favorite movies and books were, and the like. He thought that there was a classic rock station somewhere on the dial, but he knew that he would have to search for it to find it. As it was, he only had a local country station and the county news station programmed in. He wanted to get as many looks at her as he could, before she was gone, but did not take his eyes from the road. You never know what might come up out of the dark, be it a cow or some idiot racing their truck through the night, like he had been doing. ------------------------------------------------------ Renee stared at him, the gun all but forgotten and she slowly dropped it. What the Hell was happening? How was he still standing, let alone talking, with a hole in his chest? Finally she recovered her wits enough to draw her service revolver. She leveled it at him, and started firing into his head. She got off four shots, before she felt a pinch at her back, and then a sharp pain. Renee tried to reach around to see what was biting her, but could not get a look at it. Throwing herself backwards against a wall, she managed to dislodge a giant spider looking thing, but with only had six legs. It was the size of a grapefruit. "Oh Hell no!" She started to run for the door, Mike and the murdered Molly all but forgotten. Renee was a brave woman, but she drew the line at spiders. Everyone has a phobia, and spiders were hers. As she ran, she heard a scuttling sound, and a small crowd of the little beasties cut her off at the door. She turned, and realized she was surrounded. She screamed, as they jumped at her, climbing all over her body. One latched onto her back, bite into her spin, and then everything started to make more sense. She was still Renee, but she was also a host for the beings. They knew what she knew, at least somewhat, and she knew who they were and what they were after. "Come on boys" she said to the spiders. "We've got some shopping to do."