[hider=Henry][center][img=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lv6piu9hke1r4an6zo1_1280.jpg] [i]Henry Nicholas James Chang, 17[/i] [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Sexuality[/b]: Bicurious [b]Ethnicity[/b]: Asian [b]House[/b]: Ravenclaw [b]Wand[/b]: Beech, 11½" with Dragon Heartstring core, unyielding. [b]Companion[/b]: A small Northern Saw-Whet owl named [url=http://underclearskies.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/saw3.jpg]Hoppers[/url]. [b]Blood[/b]: Muggle-born [b]Personality[/b]: WIP [b]Strengths[/b]: Henry's quite the studious type, he will not pass a chance to learn something new especially when it comes to magic and the wizarding world. Quick-witted. He's fond of studying complex things, how they work, and what makes them, thus has a thing for paying close attention to details. Henry tends to excel in Charms and Transfiguration. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: Henry is very curious, he doesn't stop at nothing just to satisfy that curiosity which always puts him in tough situations. Although he's good at his academic aspect of education, Henry on the other hand, is not very athletic. He tires quickly, and he tends to become really clumsy when he's tired. [b]History[/b]: Henry's family originally came from Hong Kong before they decided to move to America. He is the youngest of three children, and the only one who has shown inclination towards the magical, one they hadnt had in the family for a very long time since Henry's great great great grandfather. So it was little to no surprise when his acceptance letter to Hogwarts came on his eleventh birthday. His father, however, was not entirely thrilled by the idea of his youngest son going off to learn witchcraft in some school he hasnt even heard of. He tried to dissuade Henry, but the boy was unrelenting. Finding an ally in his mother, Henry was sent off to England without his father's permission. His life at Hogwarts, at first, was not easy. He was struggling to keep up with all the magical stuff, while trying adjust to that entirely new culture of the wizarding world. Also, due to the language barrier between him and the other students (he doesnt speak english very well at the time, mostly Mandarin), he was cast out. So he dedicated most of his time to studying, which made him on top of his class that soon got him a few friends. [b]Other[/b]: He's in no way related to Cho Chang, whatsoever. [/center][/hider]