Name: Stephen Leo Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual (Mind you it’s all a spectrum) Ethnicity: Canadian, Caucasian House: Hufflepuff Wand: Rowan Wood, Phoenix Feather Core, 11". Springy. Companion: A grave barn owl, Dante. Blood: Pureblood Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Stephen is a rather average fellow. He is rather cheery, or at least contented with his lot in life, and enjoys life at Hogwarts. He doesn't expect much of himself, content to let others take the lead. Although he possesses courage, it rarely manifests itself, as above all else, Stephen is humble. Although many a snobby student would say it is because he has nothing to brag about, Stephen is never one to toot his own horn, yet is the first to celebrate others achievements. However, he isn’t one to pick up on the more subtle things in life. Strengths: Stephen is a capable flyer, with a gift for being in the air. Stephen can dance. He is a very competent duelist, with an inclination for Defence against the Dark Arts. Weaknesses: Stephen is competent in most other forms of magic, but not outstanding in any way, with a particular weakness in Herbology. Despite his ease with people, he still has a somewhat awkward air about him. He is still rather naïve, and often assumes the best in people. History: Stephen was a near Hatstall, spending four minutes with the hat on his head until it finally declared him as a Hufflepuff. Many question if he is fit for the house, as does he, and he constantly asks himself if he should have been placed differently. However, he does enjoy the other students in the house. Stephen progressed through Hogwarts, not making much of a mark in any fashion. He became competent in Defence against the Dark Arts. as the years progressed, but this was more than balanced by his inability to comprehend the basic details of Herbology. Nevertheless, he somehow managed to pass his O.W.L.s and is frantically preparing for his N.E.W.Ts, a daunting task. He readily picked up flying, and was offered a position on Hufflepuff’s team in his second year, which he accepted. Although he was later offered the position of captain, he did not accept it, and still plays as Keeper. Other: Stephen is left-handed.