.:EDIT:. Original post was removed to make room for my Character Sheet. [hider=The Human Mirror] --- [center][b]General Information[/b][/center] --- [b][u]Project Genesis[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Owen Bright [b]Alias:[/b] (The Human) Mirror [b]Age:[/b] 21 years of age [b]Gender:[/b] Male ♂ --- [center][b]Appearance[/b][/center] --- [i]Owen Bright – Age 16 – This photograph was discovered in a newspaper of his local region. It appears that the subject was part of a “demonstration”[/i] [img=http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t291/o0love0o14/in_yo___face_by_cpjphoto-d5eudov_zps20912c61.jpg?t=1402914013] [i]Owen Bright – Age 18 – Photograph was uploaded to a social community website. According to the subjects comments, it appears that this photograph is to be used for a magazine [Men's Monthly][/i] [img=http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t291/o0love0o14/what_are_hoodies_for__by_ph1sch-d49vmys_zpsb4a044db.jpg?t=1402914049] [i]Owen Bright – Age 18 – Photograph was uploaded to a social community website. According to the subjects comments, it appears that this photograph is to be used for a magazine [Men's Monthly][/i] [img=http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t291/o0love0o14/white_thermal_by_ph1sch-d49vmeo_zpse2581363.jpg?t=1402914067] [i]Owen Bright – Age 20 – Photograph was uploaded to a social community website and used as a “Profile Picture”. The image file is named [Day at the Beach with my Bros][/i] [img=http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t291/o0love0o14/hang_loose_by_cpjphoto-d5di2ek_zps7bf0de68.jpg?t=1402914092] [indent] [b]Height:[/b] 6 feet, 0 inches - 183 centimetres [b]Weight:[/b] 194 pounds – 88 kilograms [b]Body Type:[/b] Subject possesses a mesomorphic body type with an inverted triangle shape. [Conclusion] Subject has an athletic build, with broad shoulders, narrow hips and defined muscle. [/indent] --- [center][b]Personality:[/b][/center] --- Subject appears to have a quite common personality for someone in his range of age. He is brash and outspoken, never keeping his opinions to himself and has no problem trying to force his beliefs onto others, despite the fact that he believes in individuality. He does seem to have some agression issues, but this is nothing major and should not pose a problem. He is passionate about everything he does or he simply does not do it. He does not do anything without pouring every fiber of his being into it and [quote]making it his bitch[end of quote]. He cares very much about animals and that they are treated well, whether they are livestock or pets. Subject does not appear to have a lot of relations outside of “family” ties. The few relations he does have, have stuck with him since the day they met, from which we can deduce that he cares very much about loyalty. --- [center][b]History:[/b][/center] --- [i]With help from reports from the foster family and updates from social communities, we have been able to piece together a description of the Subject's history.[/i] [indent]Subject-087 [REDACTED][/indent] The fermentation was a success. [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Subject-087 [REDACTED][/indent] The gestational period is over. Subject-087 is to be “born” today. He has made it through the entire process with no trouble at all. [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Subject-087 [REDACTED][/indent] Subject-087 was successfully taken away from the facility has been placed with a foster family. He is safe, for now. [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Subject-087 May 14th, 1995[/indent] We are safe, now. My husband and I have taken Owen far away from that horrible place. It's been two years since he was born and he just becomes more and more beautiful each day. We love him like he is our own, just like we promised. It was hard to explain to Emily, our daughter, why we suddenly had another child and had to run away like that, but I think she understood by instinct how important it was. She loves him, too. He is not exhibiting any unusual abilities as of yet, but we will keep a close eye on him. [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Subject-087 – Owen Bright September 6th, 1999[/indent] Owen started school today. He did not get along with the other children as well as we had hoped. He made one of the girls cry by pulling on her braid and almost got into a fight with one of the other boys because he was frying ants with a magnifying glass. Owen really loves animals. I think we might have been a bit too insistent on teaching him how valuable life is. We cleared it out with the teachers, though, so trouble was avoided. Who knows what would have happened, had they actually resorted to physical assaults. We are going to teach him how to handle his disputes without resorting to violence. He was changing colors this morning, while he was watching cartoons. His entire body was just changing its color, like it was matching the TV screen. Luckily, Emily did not see it. [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Subject-087 – Owen Bright December 25th, 1999[/indent] We got Owen a puppy for Christmas. Maybe that can make him calm down a bit. I think he may have ADHD, but I cannot be sure. Emily was never this troublesome, despite our sudden move when she was around this age. We are hoping that he will grow out of it. Having him medicated would mean having to take him to a doctor and we cannot have that happen. There has been no abnormalities. [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Subject-087 – Owen Bright April 2nd, 2001[/indent] Owen brought home a friend today. A boy called Jonas. They seem to be getting along very well and he has mellowed out some since they met. They are building a tree house out in the back yard, in that big elm we have out there. [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Subject-087 – Owen Bright May 14th, 2003[/indent] Happy Birthday, Owen. He turned ten today. He did not want everyone from his class to come to some big party; he just wanted his friends to come over for a sleepover. We are going to do a midnight treasure hunt. The boys love doing things at night. It is going to be so much fun. We, obviously, cannot do it today, since it is a school night so it is going to be this Friday, the 16th. Owen changed his hair color. Some boy was teasing him about being blond and he just changed it to brown. Luckily, teachers these days do not pay much attention to the kids and the one teasing Owen got scolded for lying. His hair is still brown, though. It does not seem that he is planning to change that. [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Subject-087 – Owen Bright August 9th, 2005[/indent] I can barely believe that he is twelve years old, already. I had to face the facts today, though. He is beginning to get interested in girls. He told my husband about this girl from his class who smells like strawberries with whipped cream and has a butterfly on her scrunchy. It is adorable. [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Subject-087 – Owen Bright February 10th, 2007[/indent] Owen has gotten a girlfriend. Her name is Michelle and she has a scrunchy with a butterfly on it. I think it is the very same girl he was crushing on a couple of years ago. Maybe he never stopped liking her. His father always says that he is a loyal boy and I guess this proves it. The school is starting to get suspicious about why Owen is never sick. Honestly, we never really noticed it. He really has not even had the sniffles for as far back as I can remember. Perhaps it is some unconscious reacting from his biological transformation that causes his body to simply refuse any bacteria and viruses of the malicious kind? [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Facebook Update(s) June 4th, 2008[/indent] Owen Bright created a Facebook account Owen Bright added Emily Bright as his Sister Owen Bright and Michelle Bellinger are now Friends Owen Bright and Jonas Thilbert are now Friends Owen Bright and Gus Friedman are now Friends Owen Bright and Michelle Bellinger is in a Relationship [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Facebook Update August 19th, 2008[/indent] [STATUS UPDATE] Goin to the beach with my beautiful girlfriend Michelle [blowing kiss emoticon] Love ya, babe [heart emoticon] [IMAGE REMOVED] [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Subject-087 – Owen Bright July 12th, 2009[/indent] Owen was in some weird protest yesterday. He and some friends of his spray painted the entire side of the supermarket. It had something to do with the meat they sell and how the animals are treated, but he would not really talk to me about it. I am getting really worried about him. He is very aggressive in the way he reacts towards people that he does not consider his friends and he is honestly quite rude. What will happen when we tell him what he is and what he can do? Will he understand that with great power comes great responsibility or will he abuse his gift? I fear that the latter is the most likely outcome. I really wish it will not have to come to that. He has been using his biological transformation more, lately. He changes his hair a lot and some days he just feels like having a beard and then he does. I think he is realizing that he is not quite normal, but I have no clue as to what extend. I do not think he knows that his entire body structure is a reflection on what he can do; his bodily structure has changed to a very athletic build without any training whatsoever, whereas he was always a bit chubby as a kid. The muscles seem real enough, though, so it appears he is actually able to change his muscle structure to make himself stronger, should that be necessary. [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Facebook Update March 29th, 2010[/indent] [STATUS UPDATE] Parents SUCK ASS! My mom [CENCORED] grounded me! I didnt even do anythin! [angry emoticon] [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Facebook Update(s) July 6th, 2012[/indent] Owen Bright and Michelle Bellinger are no longer in a Relationship [STATUS UPDATE] [CENCORED][CENCORED]! GO SUCK SOMEONES [CENCORED], YOU [CENCORED][CENCORED]! THANKS FOR [CENCORED]! [indent][COMMENT]Sorry sorry I got a bit carried away [sad emoticon][/indent] Owen Bright and Michelle Bellinger are no longer Friends [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Facebook Update December 15th, 2012[/indent] [STATUS UPDATE] Got myself a [CENCORED] christmas present [LINK REMOVED] [IMAGE REMOVED] [indent]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/indent] [indent]Facebook Update July 17th, 2013[/indent] [STATUS UPDATE] At the beach with my bros today! Gonna be [CENCORED], right?! [IMAGE REMOVED] --- [center][b]Skills:[/b][/center] --- [i]Subject appears to have picked up a wide range of skills from his daily activities. None of them are very useful, though.[/i] [indent] - Cooking, especially baking, is a well practiced hobby - Swimming, a commonly practiced hobby at the beach during summers and in community pools during winter. - Spray painting, a trait learned from his “protests” - "Shuffeling"; a kind of dancing that he and his friends did for fun - "Gamer Reflexes"; fast reflexes learned from playing video games [/indent] --- [center][b]Abilities:[/b][/center] --- Biological Transformation - “Shapeshifting” Bearers of this ability are able to transform and reshape their bodies down to their genetic and cellular structure. Some users of this ability has exhibited potential to transform their bodies fully at will. Some have shown ability to transform into other beings that human, such as animals and plants. Some have shown ability to transform only parts of their bodies, such as a leg or an arm. Some have even shown such remarkable features as completely changing their cellular structure in such a way that they are no longer just “mirroring” what they are attempting to transform into; i.e. transforming their skin to metals instead of just looking like it. [i]Subject has yet shown little knowledge of the fact that he actually possesses this ability. His bodily structure appears to be by his own [unconscious] choice and he has changed his haircut and facial hair [consciously] a few times, but he does not seem to realize the potential of this ability.[/i] Reflection Bearers of this ability are able to reflect various types of harm back onto the one attempting to harm them. Some users of this ability are able to reflect and any all sort of damage done upon them, from bumping their toe to rebounding bullets, while others are only able to reflect damage done upon them by another person and others again are only able to reflect things that they know are coming [by conscious decision]. [i]Subject has yet to show any sign of this ability, though he has “hurt himself” on various occasions, implying that he does not reflect accidental damage.[/i] --- [center][b]Equipment/Associated Artifacts:[/b][/center] --- [indent] - A motorcycle [[url=http://www.kawasaki.com/Products/Product-Specifications.aspx?scid=7&id=725]Kawasaki 2013 Vulcan 1700 Nomad[/url] [Candy Mystic Blue]] - A backpack in which he carries around fifteen cans of spray paint in different colors - A swiss pocket knife - A grey beanie [/indent] --- [center][b]Other:[/b][/center] --- N/A [/hider]