Leif had been curled up, nice and warm in his bed, sleeping through the storm, when he felt something nudge him. "Go away," he tiredly says, feebly swatting at whatever nudged him. Feeling it happen again, he groans and rolls over. Opening his eyes, he meets the bright green eyes of his partner, Toothless. In fact, that was all he could see of the black dragon, whose body melded into the shadows. "What?" Leif asks irritably. Toothless, obviously not intimidated by his rider's tone of voice, turns and walks over to the door, only to turn back and look at Leif, his head cocked to the side. "Seriously?" Leif asks. "You know you don't need me to go outside." He was just about to roll back over when Toothless, apparently having had enough, grips Leif's sheets and pulls them off of the bed. "Alright, alright!" Leif says, sitting up. "I'll go with you." A few minutes later, Leif was dressed in his warmest clothes and following Toothless outside into the hailing weather. "Couldn't have picked a better time to go to the bathroom, could you?" he asks Toothless, who was looking around, his head cocked to the side as if he were trying to hear something over the storm. Suddenly, the dragon turns around and grabs Leif's arm. Before the young man could ask what he was doing, Toothless tosses him onto his back and immediately takes off, leaving Leif to desperately clutch at the dragons' neck as they fly low to avoid the worst of the storm. A few moments later, Toothless touches down in a clearing and starts looking around, his head tilting this way and that. Leif, having noticed the dragon's behavior, now that the sleep was forced out of his system, quietly lets Toothless go about his business, knowing better than to distract him. Eventually, they step out of the woods and into another clearing, where Leif sees something he wouldn't have expected in a million years: Another Night Fury, although this one was multi-colored, and an unconscious girl. Slowly, Leif climbs off of Toothless, who was looking at the whit dragon curiously, and slowly approaches, his hands visible to the dragon. "Hey, there," he quietly says, remembering everything his father and grandfather had taught him. "I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to see if your rider's okay."