Oh whata. Great day today was for Sasha. Getting herself into a massive brawl with the guards of the castle after stealing ones dagger. She got herself captured, yippee. Now it was time to play the helpless girl card. She was dragged into the throneroom making her weapons all disappear and she made wounds appear all over her, she was shaking and looked ready to cry. "She was stealing from guards" one guard reported. The girl looked so weak so fragile and she sobbed gently "please let go your hurting me" she cried gently as the guard hand on her shoulder was rough but she had felt much much worse. She gave those signature fearful eyes and regretting one. Not like the prince could ever figure the whole act out. She was sobbing and shaking. They must have the wrong person she had no weapons or anything on her.a very small red dragon was curled up on her shoulder, it was only a hatchling, well prince wouldn't know but this was all an illusion, the dragon she had was a monster of a creature easily standing 30 feet high and whip like tail and poisonous skin and horns.