[quote=Heyitsjiwon] Suggestion. What if raiding farmlands also gets you crops as well? For example, a single infantryman can raid and take upto 10 crops? A horsemounted unit can carry 50. And if you also attack with ships, then they double your total unless your ships carrying capacity is less than that. In which case you can only take up to how much the ships can carry as well. Also , seasons. Spring = 1/4, Summer = 2/3, and fall = full value? Winter will yield no crops.Edit: Actually... numbers don't work. 5 for infantry and 20 for horsemen? [/quote] Just gonna conveniently double post real fast, because the thought of an infantryman carrying a year and a season's worth of food is just hilarious. ^^ And, I mean, five years worth of food on the back of a horse? Awesome. EDIT: [quote=Titanic] Didn't they offer soldiers pillaged loot as pay back thenEdit: since no one would pay an army a season worth of pay, they could just offer a part of the loot to the raiders. Some goes to the raiders and some to The Lord. [/quote] Yes, they did, however this still isn't... I mean, are you guys trolling me? This is ridiculous. Assuming you can only raid once per season then giving them the entire proceeds wouldn't cover their expenses. Assuming you can raid thirty times in a season (which I'm pretty sure So Boerd just made up on the fly and is running with) the biggest worry your going to have is the fact that, at some point, someone's gonna show up and kill you all, and if they don't it's going to bankrupt their fiefdom, and assuming each post covers a season it's going to require some extreme micromanagement on your parts to decide just how many days it takes for someone's vassal to figure out your raiding his territory and bring a host to bear to kill you all, and... I still can't see how any of these suggestions are actually better than my very simple solution made all those posts ago, so I'm just gonna assume (hope) your trolling me at this point, and if not I seriously recommend signing up for an economics 101 class and/or drinking a cup or two of coffee.