Alias: None as of Now Secret ID: Ming-Ming Yaguchi Nickname(s): Ming Age: 19 Gender: Female Nationality: Chinese and Japanese-American Physical Description: Ming stands at about 5'7'' and weighs in at 149 pounds. Her most striking feature is certainly her purple hair, which she usually keeps in a bun tied together by the ever so stereotypical two chopsticks hair-do. She can also usually be found with headphones slid over her head. Ming isn't particularly busty, but has a larger backside, as her body has a slight pear shape. Ming has clearly toned musculature in her arms. She has slightly almond shaped light brown eyes usually decorated with slight black eyeliner and blush on her cheeks. Ming's fashion sense is usually just throwing on as many colors as she possibly can. General Personality: Truly still young at heart Ming has a passion for Saturday morning cartoons, and breakfast cereal, as do most college students. Being forced to work as an assistant in her mother's Chinese cuisine restaurant, has made her resent uptight authority. In fact, she dislikes the idea of even wearing a costume, drawing inspiration from the Great Fang in that regard. Nonethless she often retreats to her video games, and uses sarcasm and comedy as her weapons when she doesn't want to talk or be bothered. Ming describes herself as relatively fearless, though this isn't true, especially when it comes to males that she might fancy. Ming is an overall caring person, but her tendency to no follow rules, and her screwball personality land her in some heat when she must work with others. Ming's biggest flaws are her apathy and her inability to follow directions exactly, and should she surpass them, would make a fine addition to the line of Sanctum officers. Sexual Orientation: Straight Battle Power(s): Ming Ming's biggest ability is her super-strength. So far, the limits of this strength have not been tested, but what is known is that she can stop incredibly forces like moving cars with her hands without budging. As well, while Ming lacks tactical genius she is an engineer, and knows her way around technology at least the mechanical and computer kinds. Ming's durability and ability to sustain damage is incredibly formidable. She seemly doesn't seem to go down until she can't carry herself anymore. Weaknesses: An immediate weakness is that she refuses to wear a costume. While all of our students before her actually wanted costumes so that they could keep their identities and families safe, Ming is far different in that regard. She has at least agreed to take an alias, but decided to leave it up to her teammates "or some crap like that". Ming is also incredibly slower than most, especially Titans. Her lack of disciplined training leaves her unable to quickly get in and out of combat situations, leaving her forced to fight up close and personal without a plan of retreat. Voice Actor: Laura Bailey