Feng's creator is [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/8523]Famotill[/url]. Alias:Overbite Secret ID: Feng Kahale Age: 18 Gender: Male Nationality: American (Polynesian and British Heritage) Physical Description: Feng stands at about 6'0'' tall, and weighs 178 pounds. Feng is often considered a handsome kid, with features that aren't entirely distinct to either part of his lineage. He has thick black eyebrows, and slightly large dark green eyes, with hints of a jade color. He has some length to the bridge of his nose, and his nostrils are medium to large in size, though his nose is more defined and sharp than actually big. He also has medium sized lips. Feng has a fairly athletic build given his former tenure as a swimmer in high school. Feng has dark brown short hair, which is somewhat spiky in the front and combed over slightly to the right. He has two grey streaks that he died into his hair that look somewhat like lightning bolts. Feng's typical attire is similar to that of a Hawaiian tourist. General Personality: Being the son of the legendary hero "The Great Fang" has given Feng a lot to live up to, and this is a major source of his insecurity. His sexuality is another source of this, never having really been in relationship. The young man is incredibly shy, especially when it comes to love. He is often times somewhat antsy and nervous, but tries his best to be respectful and kind. His humble demeanor allows him to make friends quickly, but the feeling that he's hiding something keeps him from getting really close to people. He is also actually very lazy. A bit of a slacker, Feng would be content with spending his days just surfing (his favorite hobby) or laying out on the beach. The ocean is the one place that allows him to be himself without judgement. He loves the water, and sea creatures too. Sexual Orientation: Gay Powers/Abilities: Feng's main power comes from the taste or smell of blood. He doesn't like to share this, but he keeps a small vale of blood in his pocket. With the blood, he is scent into a more ravenous state where his fighting style mirrors a shark, using rushing attacks and using his body in otherwise unnatural ways (creating a whirlpool like effect on his body to spin and attack enemies or jumping very high heights.) His strength and speed are enhanced when fueled by blood, but he often cannot stay in the form for long and will pass out after extensive use. His secondary ability is his incredible powerful teeth, that while couldn't break through something like diamond, are more than capable of breaking through some less powerful metals. Weaknesses: This form is still very hard for Feng to control while he doesn't lose all rational emotion, he is somewhat delirious in this state and thus may not recognize friend from foe. The form is weakened by fire, and can only be used by Feng for about 7 minutes, unless fire forces an earlier release of the form. While not in his form, Feng is somewhat clumsy, and not incredibly agile despite his enhanced speed. In the form, his tactical abilities are decreased, and a strain is put on his body especially if held for the full seven minutes. Weapons: Rubber knuckle dusters, if an enemy is formidable enough to handle the impact. Fighting Style: He knows very little, but learned some kick-boxing techniques as a child with his father. Voice Actor: Nolan North