[b][centre]Ravens Inn[/centre][/b] Gryff frowned at the idiot who might just have compromised a chance at having just a bit more .... information, with which to work. It was always annoying working without good intelligence, it meant you had to make shit up as you go and in the end that got more people killed than a shitty plan does. "C'mon Murd, and watch your head, these villagers never make their doors a decent size." Murderok looked around carefully as if not interested in anything in case the magician, which seemed a few fruit loops short of a breakfast had neglected to black out the windows but they too were concealed. "Fine, less go see what this fruity fellow has in store for us." Murderok followed Gryff through and almost groaned as he crossed the threshold. [i]Bloody drama queen. I'm surprised it's not a princess wailing about how she was kidnapped by some dark caped figure in the night from her bed.[/i] He thought to himself unwilling to vocalise it and give the loon any further ideas. Gryff was more appraising, he knew that he'd be unlikely to outrun the creature, at least not for long. But he wore heavy enough armour that he wasn't too concerned about the Cat unless it went for his less protected belly, or its teeth. And his companions were a source of concern, the crazy dwarf might be useful if they tore it apart and offered the Cat bits of it as a peace offering. "Maybe we could offer it that Ballista you call a Crossbow as a scratching post Murd." "Stuff off Gryff, you'll hurt Manbreaker's feelings." Murderok chuckled in response. "Anyone think to bring some catnip?" Gryff continued to examine the creature. It stood just over a metre tall and looked like it was packed with muscle. The problem was how to stop it without killing it. He had no doubt that he and Murderok could probably snap it like a twig if they had the freedom to act against it. The trick was either to trick it somehow, or subdue it. "Well Murd, we have a conundrum. We have to somehow stop Freya there from snacking on our well stacked haunches without killing her. You got any ideas?" "Catnip." Murd replied. "Well that's one more idea than I have at the moment." Gryff admitted. "I mean if we could hold it down and sit on it without crushing it that might work, but do we want to take that chance?" "Dunno." Murd answered. "You guys got any ideas?" He turned to the rest of the Blades that had joined them.