Wolfbane was there the only time, use her skill set to be silent until she dropped her bag onto the floor of her room and said "I don't plan on it, sir....but being late wasn't a stupid mistake....just a lost of time judgement. I would do it again. Given the reason was just as important" she pulled her jacket off just as there were running steps and the white haired man appeared at the door, brewing hard. Wolfbane forgot about the major and turned to him, her eyes watching him with concern. After a moment the young man smiled and said "she made it...she's going to be alright, wolf...we did it" Wolfbane sighed with relief and smiled. "Thanks for letting me know, brother...." Bane turned to the major and said "it's my fault she was late sir, we had a emergency and I needed her. Doctor Bane Soma"