Russell Nash parked his replica Mustang hover car in a nearby spot just across the street from the Erasure Agency. A building with no distinct outside markings or anything that made it look remotely welcoming. Russell still had "the wet look" from his quick rinse off after his morning workout and his face was still a shade of light red as he looked at his place of employment. He had received a message while he was in the shower that he was to report Meeting Room B on the second floor and that was all. Usually there was a little more information to work with, so Russell's curiosity was somewhat piqued by this. He asked, to no one in particular,[B] "Why do I have the feeling that this is gonna be one of those days?" [/B]Russell shook his head and rolled his right shoulder back and forth and he winced somewhat in pain. Russell pushed a button on his dashboard and said, [B]"Sivers."[/B] Sivers replied, "Yes Sir." Russell said, [B]"Next workout decrease the resistance on the barbells by about 5 %."[/B] Sivers asked, "Aggravated your shoulder injury again sir?" Russell nodded and replied, [B]"Yeah I think so."[/B] Sivers said, "Sir I have just received a voice message from Miss Andrews. She channeled it directly to your inbox, so as to not to bother since she knew that you would be driving to work at the time." Russell shook his head and said, [B]"Translation she didn't want to talk to me. Let me guess the message is basically 'it's not you it's me, I need to find out who I am, we need time apart, maybe someday if God wills it we will find one another, I'm a great guy there is someone out there for me, and I can feel free to see other people' is that about the gist of it Sivers?"[/B] Sivers replied, "You are 94% accurate with your assessment sir. Impressive percentage sir. The bottom line, as you call it, you are no longer a couple. Would you care to hear the actual message sir? Miss Andrews does sound sincere." Russell said, [B]"I'm sure she is old friend. I'm sure she is. I know that she took no pleasure in what she did." [/B] Russell thought for a moment and then said, [B]"Delete the message and all photos of us."[/B] Sivers asked, "Including the one from Maine 6 weeks ago?" Russell had been in his share of fights and suffered broken bones, but that question cut him like a knife. The week in Maine was just Erica and him at a house on the shore. It was one of the best times Russell ever had in his life. They did sightseeing, enjoyed the beach, watching the sunset, and spent endless nights being in love. One morning Erica woke up before him and was watching the sunrise. She was wearing a sapphire blue silk robe, leaning against the rail of the deck of the beach house, and the ocean breeze was moving ever so gently through her brown hair. Russell grabbed a camera and called to Erica. She turned her head and part of her upper torso ever so slowly and just gave him a look. A look from those beautiful brown eyes that was both intoxicating and as though Erica was inviting Russell to look into her soul in that one look, and a smile that Russell would've gone to war to defend. Russell thought he had seen the most beautiful creation that God ever made and it was standing right before him, so much so he almost forgot to take the picture. Russell said, [B]"Bring it up on my monitor."[/B] Sivers replied, "Sir I don't...." Russell said, [B]"Do it Sivers that's an order."[/B] Sivers brought the image up on the monitor and Russell stared at it and felt for one brief moment the power of her eye contact coursing through his entire being right into his soul. He reached to touch it, but stopped and bowed his head. Russell said bringing his hand back[B], "Sivers."[/B] Sivers replied, "Sir?" Russell said, [B]" Keep it. It'll remind me that for one moment in time I had it better than any human being had a right to ask for."[/B] Sivers asked, "Sir do you wish for me to inform your superiors you are in no frame of mind to work?" Russell shook his head and replied, [B]"No absolutely not." [/B]He waved his right palm in front of his face three times as though he were wiping something away. Russell said,[B] "I gotta job to do, and it's time get to it."[/B] Sivers said, "Sir I don't think wearing these are a crime right now." Just then a compartment opened up and revealed a pair of sunglasses. Russell smiled and said, [B]"Thanks old friend."[/B] Sivers replied, "You're welcome sir." Russell put on the dark glasses and undid his seat belt. He said, [B]"Sivers. You've been wanting to link into the National Archives database for some research. Why don't you go offline until about 6 tonight and have at it."[/B] Sivers replied, "Sir what about your lunch?" Russell said, [B]"I'll get takeout today have a good time."[/B] Sivers replied, "Thank you sir." The screen went black and Russell took a deep breath and said, [B]"Okay Nash. Time to get to it."[/B] With that he exited his car and made sure his black leather duster was just so. He did smirk at the way his red turtleneck looked with his duster as his black boots echoed on his way to the Agency. He entered the conference room and still didn't remove his glasses. Russell didn't recognize the gathering in the room but that didn't bother him. He fixed himself a glass of water sat at the table, propped his feet up and began to have his drink.