Shadrack found the rabbit first, and toyed with it for a few moments, before sinking his jaws into the back of its neck. Hot blood filled his mouth and ran down the back of his throat. He tore the rabbit to shreds, with Sheba's help. Together they consumed it raw. It was a glorious night. Nearby Shadrack could hear loud music, with a heavy beat, playing. He also detected the scent of marijuana, in the wind. He wondered for a moment where the music was coming from, before finishing off his portion of the rabbit. it hardly mattered. It was just some human, blowing off steam. He was a wolf, and beyond such things. Still, the smell of weed reminded him of home. He signaled to Sheba and together they ran back through the night, headed toward the RV. Half an hour later, they arrived at the RV and Shadrack went through his transformation again. His mouth was still covered in blood. He walked into the RV, and into a haze of weed smoke. The interior was hung with tapestries, beaded curtains and silk curtains. Jimmy Hendricks was playing on his mom's little plastic radio. His mother was on the couch, laying naked on top of some man, as she smoked a joint. He looked away, and ignored her, as he always did. Going to his trunk, he pulled on a pair of pajama pants, an old t-shirt, and then brushed his teeth and washed off his face, in the tiny bathroom. Soon he was asleep, curled up with Sheba. ------------------------------------------------ Sunday morning was not a day of rest for his mother. Her shift started at noon, which was good because she woke up late. Shadrack had already been up for hours. She walked out of the RV, wearing a red bathrobe and with a towel around her head. Shadrack looked up from the remnants of a fire. He was roasting beef franks over the coals. She pulled her camp chair up to the fire and joined him in the weenie roast. Shadrack was wearing a black sleeveless KISS t-shirt, black combat boots and a pair of worn jeans. "Good morning Shad." She leaned forward, looking for good coals, her metal roasting fork in hand. "Morning Ma." He lifted his frank from the coals and ate it straight off of the fork. Sheeba looked on longingly. "Don't worry Sheba. I will make yours next." "Did you enjoy your run last night?" She was in position now and held her fork still, over the glowing embers. Shadrack felt like asking if she had enjoyed her shag, but did not bother. She would just laugh and roll her eyes at him anyway. He wondered how many other people's mothers did what she did, where her grown child could discover her. Not many he was guessing. "Sure," was all he said in reply. They fell into their usually comfortable silence, as they ate. His mother lathered her hot dog and bun with loads of condiments, draw from a blue plastic cooler. They wash their food down with cheap beer, and shared a joint. It was a pretty typical morning for Shadrack. Two hours later, after dropping his mom at the dinner, he rolled past the Baptist church, as it was letting out. Some of the good, God fearing people looked at him strangely, as he road slowly past, looking them over. Next he road into the parking lot of the library, determined to finish up his studies. The test was in a few days, and he wanted to pass this time.