[[With all the downtime the guild had the past couple of days I didn't even realized you posted! I'm sorry.]] Shigetoshi wavered in the open door as Tatsuki finishes speaking for the first time and lounges back. The apology was nice, and so was the fact that Tatsuki didn't go through his room. He probably did climb the fence. Which was annoying, but better than the alternative. As the other man swims across the hot spring Shigetoshi decided that it'd be best if he went away. [i]Come Shigetoshi-kun[/i] Tatsuki's voice beckons from behind him. Shigetoshi found himself turning around despite what he told himself. When the younger man ducks his head Shigetoshi feels a little guilt. That, more than anything drew the Innkeeper over to the edge of the spring. Even getting closer it's hard to see Tatsuki's face, but his visible upper body said a lot. Mainly that he was hurt by Shigetoshi's reaction earlier that evening. Or was he projecting? Not knowing really what to say Shigetoshi quickly strips and climbs in. The hot water did feel good. The man sinks down out of the chill of the night air and lets out a small sigh of pleasure. Tatsuki was right. He had been tense. "I guess you were right." He admitted out loud. He quirked a smile at Tatsuki, not sure if he'd see it in the faint light.