[IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2m47fxt.jpg[/IMG] Name: Alcina (Aly) Graves Species: Shapeshifter Age:17 Personality: Alcina has a lot of bright ideas and thoughts but she always keeps to herself. She's extremely intelligent. Her worst flaw is her shyness and her reluctance to talk to others. Another flaw would be that sometimes she's too serious and needs to learn how to lighten up. She's very sweet and caring to those she is familiar with. She puts others before herself and is very compassionate towards them. Aly is very patient, understanding, and had been the go-to person people went to for advice in her old town. There is a temper deep down but it's hard to reach it. Bio: Alcina never knew her real parents. She was adopted by a seemingly ordinary family. She was treated well at first but then her adoptive mother, who thought she could not have a baby, managed to get pregnant. They had been fond of Aly but her abilities frightened them. The couple had been reluctant to interact with her.Once they had their baby, Aly was ignored. Her little sister got all the attention. Aly stuck to her books and let it go. She didn't let jealousy consume her but she hated being so lonely. She was too shy to talk to many people in school and only had a select couple of friends and at home she felt as if she was part of the furniture. Now that Aly is accepted into Final Academy, she's hoping things will change and she can get over this shyness. Power 1: She can shape shift into being: animal or human. Power 2: Empathy: she can manipulate the emotions of those around her and sense their emotions as well. Power 3: No third. Ability: When she shape shifts into a person, she can see their memories. Her speed is also a bit enhanced. Special Item: Her bow and arrows. She has a knack for archery.