Hey there, I posted in the General Interest Check and was told to plop this over here. *plop* [hider=Ryan Brennan] [b]Name:[/b] Ryan Brennan [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Irish [b]House:[/b] Gryffindor [b]Wand:[/b] 11.5”, Spruce wood with Phoenix feather core [b]Companion:[/b] Mink, the world’s most lethargic white cat [b]Blood:[/b] Pureblood [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1379787732/499344.jpg] [b]Personality:[/b] Ryan is the kind of guy that you can always count on for a smile. Through thick and thin, those 20 or so facial muscles of his are almost always pulling his lips up into his trademark smirk. In addition to his upbeat nature, Ryan prides himself on his good sense of humor and outgoing personality, which in turn makes for a guy that is quick to make friends wherever he goes. And once coupled with his strong values of honesty and resolve, the wizard almost seems made for Gryffindor. But underneath the jokes and smiles, Ryan is actually a person that is all too familiar with the feeling of being alone. Because despite the carefree temperament he gives off, there is actually a lot of concern and worry that fills the young man. But instead of bringing others down with his negative feelings, he is all too quick to mask them with a smile. Consequently, while he makes a lot of friends, very few people actually manage to graduate from merely being a close acquaintance to him. [b]Strengths:[/b] -Perceptive -Brave (although he sometimes leans closer to reckless) -Amiable -Transfiguration, Charms [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Opening up to others -Sometimes fails to take things seriously enough -Can be extremely stubborn at times -Potions, Herbology [b]History:[/b] Being born as the oldest of three siblings, Ryan has always had a deep rooted sense of protectiveness that has followed him throughout his life. And as he grew up, Hogwarts was always the clear path for Ryan, so fitting in was never much of a problem for him. But as a role model for his younger brother and sister, he felt like he couldn't show them any weaknesses like doubt or fear, so instead he replaced them with an even louder laugh. This boisterous nature of his makes him easily recognized throughout the school, but at the same time it would be wrong to call him popular. Nevertheless, tests have always been one of Ryan's most glaring weaknesses, so it is not that surprising when he all but becomes a hermit in his room as he studies for an upcoming exam. The O.W.L. tests alone caused him to completely forget about shaving and a number of gray hairs to take root on his head. To say that he his concerned about his upcoming N.E.W.T.s would be an understatement. [b]Other:[/b] Often wears a simple silver and black band on his right hand that he frequently fiddles with. [/hider]