Alone in the group I tried doing something similar to this a little while ago, but because of bad circumstances it didn't get far. It was a cool idea though, and I'd like to try again. Science has advanced the human population beyond belief, and continues to do so through extensive research and experiments. One such experiment, the confinement experiment, took six people and placed them in a sealed environment, one replicating a small town. The scientist wanted to see how people would react after several months of isolation, with only each other for company. The test subjects were chosen carefully for their pasts and personalities. No two subjects were anything alike, being from different backgrounds, cultures and experiences. With an entire town to their complete disposal, it'll be interesting to see what transpires. The setting, as stated above, will be a small town with the basics- a community center with a pool and ice rink, various restaurants and stores, a few clubs, and a post office, the only way to contact the outside, given the limited amount of internet the subjects receive. Each subject will have their own house, furnished exactly how they specify. They can order anything they please, and have it arrive the next day. Truly, it's free reign. The only thing is each person has a wildly different personality. One may be quiet and shy, another rude and grumpy. This is what will make the whole experience interesting, so it's highly advised to read the other character sheets to see the other's personalities, and not have duplicates. Any takers? Things to improve on? Suggestions? Any feedback at all is appreciated. :)