[quote=Kidd]I see what you did there.Haha, I know, don't worry. The news came up before you made the forum. I was just responding to Assassin's Creed in general.But yeah, the co-op is a nice touch. Surprised it took them so long. However cutting playable female characters just annoys me. I always enjoyed the games, but I feel like they're getting worse and worse lately.[/quote] That reminds me how in the most recent Aliens game they allowed half of the playable characters to be female. But gamer's screamed sexism because it was "unfair to the male dominated audience" -.- The gaming community is one of the few area's I would agree that women have things worse then men. The gaming community seriously needs to grow up and not act like the involvement of women is somehow a bad thing. -.- [quote=Cpt Toellner]Bungie ended the Chief's story with Halo 3, that is what I consider to be the way Halo was meant to be told. They moved on and I support that 100%, all good stories have an end. Microsoft brings back the chief (despite having a huge universe to pull ideas from) because they know he is an icon and that they can make more money off his appearance then. I wouldn't blame 343 too much, they are really nothing more than pawns, you could see some creativity leaking through in Halo 4, but you could also see the executive oversight.If we see them try to make a Halo game with an original main character, its a good sign.[/quote] I get that. But if the series had to live on I would want it to at the hands of Bungie and not 343. They at least would of shown some passion and care into the series, and would stayed true to Chiefs character. And probably make a villian who shows up for more than 20 seconds so I can actually know his name and be somewhat intimidated by... Or not shove the entire plot in a 2 minute narrated vision... seriously. That entire scene showed nothing but massive lazy story writing at 343's part.