Yari shook her head with a huff, "I didn't say we were planning to split up - before you all going hurting feelings by picking your partners off the bat. I said if we were to be separated, make sure you have somebody with you," She stated, rolling her eyes before looking to Luna and Suto. "Would you two stop it? We've not even started yet and you're at one another's throats over a word of caution, [i]Not[/i] our battle plan... Sheesh." That was when Kenshin, seeming to have missed her meaning as well, began to lash out, and at first she had no idea how to react. In a twist of poor luck on her part, Fitch knew precisely what to do. The swordsman had waited for Kenshin to regather his wits before socking him directly in the face - not in a way which would decrease his HP, as he had not activated any kind of unarmed skill, but simply to send a message. His voice was blunt when he spoke, "We're a team Kenshin. If you want to go off and train solo, that's fine, we all do our own thing sometimes, but I'll not stand for you accusing us all of being inexperienced or not taking this seriously. Do you think [i]I[/i] want to see any of you die? No. Now suck it up, we're just trying to keep things as normal as possible, despite the circumstance. We aren't splitting up and none of us are going to die while we're watching each other, Yari was only giving advice. Not to mention we all do our part around here, just because you go out alone doesn't mean you've got the most skill - you're not familiar with the turf and I doubt your Identification Skill is already high enough to know every single monster you approach without being right on them. Even then, you could only know so much, and that's only if you've already put it into one of your skill slots. And don't assume yourself to be left out - so far, you've chosen that path. We invite you to all of these outings as a [i]team[/i] and we stay together during them; nobody's leaving you out except yourself." He said venomously before being pulled back by Yari. A quiet argument between the two ensued before she turned out the clear victor and Fitch looked over, "Sorry, Kenshin. We're all a bit stressed... Guess we're not so used to accepting this as reality yet, huh?" However, Yari moved over to Kenshin and gave him a small smile, "If we ever split up, you can stick with me, alright?" Fitch tried his best not to gawk at her, deciding to distract himself with Suto. "You were a bit quick on the draw there, calling me, bud. Who's to say I'd not choose Luna first? She's definitely got the skill and she could use a defender," He pointed out teasingly, trying to push Kenshin's words from his mind. Would he really do that? If he'd had a choice, would he abandon all of them to be with Yari alone? No... She wouldn't allow it anyway, but he had to admit... As terrible as it all was, Aincrad was a rather romantic setting save for the death rate. He could only wonder what the future floors would look like. Finally, Yari was able to take control again, "Now, can we get back to training? This fighting amongst ourselves is only dangerous. C'mon, if you guys need to keep squabbling, do it when we get back to Caldwell," She commanded, playing a little bit with her spear before nodding toward the jungle, "I think we could get a few levels in too if we work hard enough."