[b]Name:[/b] Jeffrey Tarson [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Guardian:[/b] None [b]Physical Description:[/b] Tall and slim with a severe, serious, almost grim face. His hair is black and cut short, and his eyes are a stormy grey. He tends to wear a sombre black suit, on the inside of which is a hidden pocket that always contains a knife. He has a similar pocket in the waistband of his trousers and the sole of each shoe. [b]Mental Description:[/b] Quiet, reserved and dignified, Jeffrey has more the manner of a shy nobleman than a vicious killer. Even when engaged in the slow business of tormenting his chosen victim, he remains calm and collected, showing none of the maniacal glee common among others. [b]Illnesses of the Mind:[/b] Has no empathy and cares nothing for anyone except himself. Narcissistic. [b]Illnesses of the Body:[/b] None [b]Prior History:[/b] Even as a young boy, Jeffrey was dangerous. He was known to have no qualms about injuring or even killing other children or teachers. Once, when a master went to beat the boy, he picked up his stool and clubbed the man to death. He was quickly refused by every school, and ended up on the streets where he honed his skills. He is a very dangerous combatant even unarmed, and can kill a man with his bare hands. Despite his reputation on the street, he is not affiliated with any gangs, as he considers himself above them and would never enter any organization where he was not the leader except in dire circumstances... ...such as those he faces now. Hounded and hunted, he found himself unable to escape, and needed an escape route. He created one through the simple expedient of breaking into a politician's house and threatening to kill the man unless he got him admitted to St. Vincent's, a place he had heard was an excellent training ground for those such as himself. He would tolerate the teachers ordering him around for a few years since he'd have the opportunity to hone his skills and to disappear from his pursuers. But when his term there was over... they'd regret their assumed superiority, their lofty attitude. At length. [b]Likes:[/b] Torturing victims, bettering himself, besting others. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Losing, social interaction. [b]Primary Sin:[/b] Pride [b]Darkest Desire:[/b] To be supreme above all others. [b]Preferred method:[/b] A knife in the dark, but if he can, he'll simply knock them out and abduct them so that he can kill them slowly.