[quote=drallinix] name: Adrian cadeage: 18gender: malebio: Adrian was a troubled youth coming up. his mother and father were both drug addicts and alcoholics. Adrian's mother was bipolar and for the first six years of his life he never knew his father. At the age of eight Adrian joined a gang and quickly discovered his skill with a knife. Growing up on the streets made Adrian hard and cynical, but he also had a soft spot. At the age of 12 he was in an altercation with the leader of his gang and a fight ensued, Adrian was winning the fight and even had the other boy in his grasp, but this boy was like a brother to him and he couldn't finish him. Rising the other boy stabbed Adrian in his stomach and as he crumpled the others laughed and ran away. He woke up a day later in the hospital. While there he met one of the nurses daughters she saw the good in everyone and immediately tried to help him. She was a catholic and every day she would read the bible to him and pray for him, but everyday he refused to believe. slowly but surely he fell in love with this one girl who showed him compassion and love. Once he got out of the hospital he found out that they went to the same school together and they became friends also during this time he started taking karate. Her friends didn't trust him and he didn't care he only cared for her eventually he told her bout his feelings. She didn't feel this way and had a boyfriend, then she stopped hanging out with him. Finally Adrian turned 18 and moved out of his parents house all he had was some money from teaching karate, his clothes, and his old knife. He got a scholarship and attended college while there his psychology professor noticed he was antisocial and recommended coming to camp crystal lake so here he was. appearance: [/quote] Accepted. Just hope the grammar and what-not is better in the actual roleplay, haha. No worries though!