This time it was Elizabeth who opened her mouth to speak, but Caroline managed to cover her mother's mouth before the harsh words she was preparing could be spoken. Her eyes showed the chaos in her mind at the queen's suggestion. Confusion mixed with rage, sorrow, regret, and outrage, and maybe a bit of betrayal and pain. Hundreds of years of war and hatred would not just fade away, peace or not, and even Elizabeth's ironclad self control could not fight against her instinct. Eventually she managed to control herself again, although the doubt she had didn't vanish. Elizabeth's near outburst went largely unnoticed, with nearly everyone's attention rooted on the queen herself. In the back of her mind, Caroline heard a sound like a crystal bell, or a laugh. A couple of vague words flashed through her mind, and a name; 'Nalsiet'. Before she could focus on it the feeling was gone, so she turned her attention back to the spectacle before her.