Roleplayer Guild SN: DemonPrinceDraiton Character name: Dracon Age: 17 Gender: Male. Hometown: New Bark Town Starter Pokémon: Torchic. Pic: no picture currently Description: Caucasian, with wild dark blonde hair with a strip of red and blue eyes. He is 6 foot four with a thin and slightly muscular build. Likes to wear his cap to calm his hair some. He wears a black jacket over a dark red t-shirt and blue jeans. Personality: Dracon is a pyromaniac. He is very energetic and loves fighting side by side with his pokemon. He has already been on his journey for a while, but now he wants to start over with a new starter pokemon instead of the cyndaquil that he started off with originally who won him the last Tournament. He is always ready to battle, but he also loves to train his pokemon to be the strongest they can and be able to fend off any style of attack using their abilities in unique ways. Background History: Though he has a great love for fire pokemon he is willing to collect many other kinds as well. He is more of a pokemon trainer than having a goal of being a master or breeder. His father was once the leader of a gym back in his own region but gave up the gym to a younger trainer who proved worthy. His father never wanted to burden his son with the gym and handed down secrets of being a powerful trainer so that he could make his pokemon the strongest they can be.