"Why?" She asked him. "What does it matter to you if I break down? You still see me as the spoiled child that you first met years ago." Calliope swallowed, then turned away, her shoulders sagging a bit. Her sleeping gown clung to all the right places for a moment as she turned, before hanging once more in a slightly more modest manner. The moonlight streamed in, washing the room in its pale silver light. She let out a slow breath. "Is it so wrong of me to want to leave this place? Surely you can understand that sentiment; after all, you leave here as often as you can. I've seen the books you read. They are all about travel. Different places. At least you might get to see them one day." Her voice was soft as she spoke, sadness in her every word. It didn't matter that she had revealed to him that she had been watching him closer than he knew. Calliope didn't have the energy to care. Not now. Not after tonight had gone. Not when she was feeling so hopeless and empty inside. It had been her one chance to leave, and not only had she not managed it, she had put Alexander's life in danger. Calliope sighed, and wrapped her arms around herself in a hug, trying to get even a little bit of comfort.