"Your right, it is the only answer. I will have your supplies ready for you an hour after moonhigh." He took her hand and squeezed it. "Everything will be O.K. I will pray to the goddess for you." That evening, after everyone was in bed, he sneaked out of his bed, and went about his master's house, stealing supplies for his friend. He realized that the supplies would be missed, and did not have the coin to pay them back right away. He would have to owe his master, and pay him upon his return, for he had decided to go with his friend. He took two loaves of freshly baked bread, salted fish, a round of cheese, two wine skins full of water, rope, two knives and a small pot to carry it all in. It was a lot to 'borrow' and paying his master back would be difficult, but it was worth it to help his friend. Besides that, he packed a change of clothing for each of them. When he was done, he went outside the blacksmith's shop, with his pot of supplies, his back pack and his staff, to wait for his friend to show herself.