"Alright, later, then." Honestly, Aiko didn't mind breaking into a Cafe Musical right then and there; it'd been something she'd always wanted to try as a sort of social experiment crossed with an elaborate prank. The look on people's faces would be priceless. But right now it looked like the waitress was back with their orders, so it'd be best to save that for later. She nodded to the waitress, slid the croissants closer to herself, and began to add in the sugar and creamer.The thick scent of the drink wafted around the area as she stirred. Leaving that to cool for a moment, Aiko cut off a small piece of one of the croissants, spread some jam on it, and placed it in her mouth; it wasn't bad at all, though she had certainly tasted better. "Well, yes, it's quite good," she agreed without much change of expression, but broke into a grin at the last statement, waving her fork around in small circled. "Aww, I'm glad you're enjoying my company, at least." +++ Crisis Sonata immediately halter in her tracks as a blur sped past them and Breaker's hand slipped out of hers. Much to her surprise, another Alter Ego had entered their little scene, and with a gigantic Negative in tow, too. The man gave the Negative an icy zap, asked for alcohol, introduced himself as Midwinter Envoy, then rushed along as if nothing had happened and he hadn't just given two kids a nice gargantuan monster to fight. Oh, how polite. In any case, at least the appearance of this mysterious Alter Ego had somehow convinced Breaker to push on towards to fortress, as well as given the two of them a bit of an opening act as well. Starting to feel excited again, just a little bit, Crisis summoned her spears with a quick flick of the wrist. "Yes, well, this is certainly a fresh change of pace, hm, Breaky? Don't worry about me. When have I ever let you down?" she snickered, and pointed all her weapons at the Negative. Breaker's bullets continued to graze its wings, but it was too quick for him, and none of the shots was enough to send it down. Pointing a finger at the Negative, Crisis sent one spear to follow it and hopefully lasso it up or at least confuse it enough for Breaker to hit more easily. "You can thank me later," she muttered, and kept her other spears on ready standby to impale the thing the moment it dropped.