Strix had been spending his time since the slight reprieve taking out the aerial drones with his feather-shaped throwing knives, seeing as he was currently unmarked by the infra-red paint they were using for their targeting systems as well as spreading smokebombs around in the most effective patterns he could to screen out potential snipers and other foam pellet gunners from shooting, in between ducking from cover to cover and generally trying to disrupt the henchmen and drones from hitting anyone while taking as many out as he could. They still weren't getting any closer to the bus with the hostages though, and that was a problem. So when the archer from before suggested providing more long range covering fire while someone made a hole to move forward, he was all for it. "That sounds like a plan I can get behind! In fact, everyone who's got some long range capability should target the grenadiers, snipers and guys with assault rifles! We'll put down our own field of suppression and give some of the heavier movers a chance to make a hole toward the bus that the rest of us can push through after them! Prime candidates are probably Apogee, Neutro, the girl who's already charging and I guess anyone else who thinks they can make it through without getting slugged! Move as one unit and act as a shield for each other and the people who come in from behind and we might survive this! Move!" [i]When did I become a leader here? I hate this kind of thing...although I guess it is just another kind of management even if a battlefield isn't quite a lab or a boardroom...[/i] While thinking this Strix quickly grabbed onto changeling and fired his grapple up to the top of one of the taller buildings, the owl-themed vigilante yanking him up with him. "Nice to meet you, kid. But I have work to do. Fire at will, I guess." With that Strix launched himself off of the rooftop, pulled out another loaded grapple gun and started going between that and simple free-running to traverse the rooftops. He moved much more carefully and subtlely than he suspected thoseon the ground would, counting on his stealth training, his suit 's silencing effects and the distraction below to aid him in ambushing troops on the rooftops in close range. Strix figured a second prong from above during the charge would increase success and maybe allow himself or the other group to slip through.