Meanwhile, Abelina sat on the roof of the shop as a bat. She was watching her own from a distance and eyed the guards who cautiously stood near. Fearing they would see her silhouette, she became a giant huntsman spider and the hunger started to settle. She remembered she skipped dinner and decided to find something to eat. And when a large fly landed nearby, she would quickly run towards it on creepy long legs and sink her fangs into it. She usually avoided becoming a spider due to being so vulnerable to birds, but it was as small as she chose to go. Beats being shot in the head as a human. Abelina then crawled over to the edge and spotted Martin. She considered crawling onto his shoulder or head, but that would certainly freak him out, since she wasn't fond of spiders herself. So slowly, she shifted into a small fruit bat and dove near his head to grab his attention, before flying over to the lot across him and resting on a barrel. She was now a black cat and lay low; surely she would blend in with the darkness and avoid a witness.